‘Compendium of Auspiciousness’ (Oir. Ölzöi dabxurlaqsan): an Oirat manuscript from the Tuvan Archive
Compendium of Auspiciousness; sutrā; manuscript; Oirat manuscript; Clear Script; Zaya-pandita Namkhai Dzhamtso; National Museum of the Tuva Republic; TuvaAbstract
The article introduces into scientific discourse the text of the Oirat manuscript ‘The Supreme Mahāyāna Sutrā Titled ‘Compendium of Auspiciousness’ (Oir. Xutuqtu ölzöi dabxurlaqsan kemēkü yeke kölgöni sudur oršibo). It is stored in the National Museum of the Tuva Republic under inventory number M-776.
Like many other Mongolian- and Oirat-language Buddhist texts, the manuscript may have originally been kept in one of the Buddhist monasteries that had functioned in Tuva or in some private collection.
The colophon says this sutrā was translated by Zaya-pandita Namkhai Dzhamtso. The paper briefly describes the role of this composition in Tibetan-Mongolian literature and its functions in Buddhist rituals.
The article also provides a transliteration of the Oirat manuscript supplemented with a parallel Russian translation.
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How to Cite
Mirzaeva S. V. ‘Compendium of Auspiciousness’ (Oir. Ölzöi dabxurlaqsan): an Oirat manuscript from the Tuvan Archive. The New Research of Tuva. 2019, № 4. URL: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/885 (access date: ...). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.4.7
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