A Buddhist manuscript of ‘The hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva’ in Oirat language from the National Museum of Tuva





Buddhism; manuscript; Oirat language; hundred-syllable mantra; Vajrasattva; National Museum of the Republic of Tuva; Tuva


The article introduces (both in transliteration and translation into Russian) the handwritten Buddhist text ‘The hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva’, preserved in the collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Tuva. The text is a part of an Oirat manuscript known as “Ekeyin zürken tarni orošiboi” (‘Hridaya-dharani of Mothers’). It is remarkable in its representation of the famous Buddhist hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva, which has been practiced by Buddhists from ancient times to the present day.

Vajrasattva is a Buddha of Vajrayana, a symbol of purity of Enlightenment (Bodhi) and the Law (Dharma). Reading the sacred hundred-syllable mantra for Buddhists has magical significance: if read one hundred and eight times, it cleans the heavy karma of a person; if pronounced a million times, it gives enlightenment. The hundred-syllable mantra is believed to be above all other mantras, therefore Buddhist lamas say that there is no deeper practice than the ‘The hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva’.


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How to Cite

Манджиева Б. Б., Сумба Р. П. Рукописный буддийский текст «Стослоговая мантра Ваджрасаттвы» на ойратском языке из Национального музея Тувы [Электронный ресурс] // Новые исследования Тувы. 2019, № 3. URL: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/874 (дата обращения: дд.мм.гг.). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.3.15

Mandzhieva B. B. and Sumba R. P. A Buddhist manuscript of ‘The hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva’ in Oirat language from the National Museum of Tuva. The New Research of Tuva. 2019, № 3 [online] Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/874 (access date ...). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.3.15




Author Biographies

Bayrta B. Mandzhieva, Kalmyk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Philology, Leading Research Fellow, Department of Mongolian Philology, Kalmyk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Postal address: 8 Ilishkin St., 358000, Elista, Russian Federation.

Tel .: +7 (961) 395-62-70.

E-mail address: mbbairta@yandex.ru

Rita P. Sumba, Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tuva

Research Fellow, Department of Culture, Science and Religion, Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tuva.

Postal address: 30 Titov St., 667000 Kyzyl, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (923) 384-32-91.

E-mail: risu1232001@yahoo.de