Some complications in the methodology of teaching Tuvan to non-native speakers


  • Nadezhda D. Suvandii Tuvan State University
  • Elena M. Kuular Tuvan State University



Tuva; Tuvan language; methods of teaching; mother tongue; second language; Russian language; Russian-speaking population; Russians; Russians in Tuva; Turkic languages; Tuvan alphabet; phonetics; pharyngealization; long vowels


The foundation of the language policies of the Republic of Tuva is based on strategy of preserving and distributing the Tuvan language as a state language in the territory of Tuva, declared in the State Program for Developing and Preserving the Tuvan Language for the period from 2017 to 2020. One of the named pending problems of methodology of teaching Tuvan is teaching Tuvan to non-native speakers. At the same time, we leak special scientific studies in teaching the Tuvan language to non-native speakers in common methodologies of teaching Tuvan. Teachers giving Tuvan language to non-native speakers are facing a challenge of solving this issue.

Article describes some aspects in methodology of teaching Tuvan to Russian-speaking residents of Tuva and foreigners. It is based on the authors’ expertise in 2016-2017.

Special letters ө, ү, ң among 36 letters of Tuvan alphabet present a special task of learning their pronunciation. One of most challenging tasks for Russian-speakers in learning Tuvan is assimilation of long and pharyngealized vowels. Long vowels in writing are presented with paired same letters and extemporaneous students would try to pronounce them as two sounds. Special attention when learning Tuvan should be paid to specific sounds articulated with throat. In Tuvan language these vowels are called pharyngealized. In comparison with other Turkic languages pharyngealization is a distinctive feature of language vocalism in Tuvan. Another challenge in learning Tuvan is assimilation of harmony of vowels – a distinctive feature of all Turkic languages. Another significant feature of Tuvan language is presence of strong aspirate consonants.

Authors believe that studies in methodological basis should be continued and it is essential for teachers to receive a special education and additional training.


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How to Cite

Suvandii, N. D. and Kuular, E. M. (2018) “Some complications in the methodology of teaching Tuvan to non-native speakers”, The New Research of Tuva, 1. doi:



Ethnicity and society

Author Biographies

Nadezhda D. Suvandii, Tuvan State University


Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Tuvan Philology and General Linguistics, Tuvan State University.

Postal address: Office 118, 5 Studencheskii Kvartal St., 667004, Kyzyl, Republic of Tuva, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (394-22) 5-22-50; +7 (923) 268-93-69.


Elena M. Kuular, Tuvan State University


Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Tuvan Philology and General Linguistics of the Tuvan State University.

Postal address: Office 213, 5 Studencheskii Kvartal St., 667004, Kyzyl, Republic of Tuva, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (923) 263-46-85.


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