The communicative and linguodidactic potential of epistolary texts: an applied aspect (based on the material of D. A. Mongush — A. S. Amanzholov's mail correspondence)




epistolary genre; epistolary text; linguodidactic potential; communicative situation; bilingual personality; Russian language; Russian-language text; Tuvan language; Tuvan studies; Dorug-ool Aldyn-oolovich Mongush; Altai Sarsenovich Amanzholov; letter


The article analyzes the communicative potential of epistolary texts and their prospects for linguodidactics — Russian and Kazakh. The material consists of fragments of private correspondence (1957–1984) by the Tuvan scholar — philologist D. A. Mongush addressed to his Kazakh colleague A. S. Amanzholov.

The contents of seven documents are presented in detail, including two letters, four postcards with descriptions of envelopes and front and back sides, and one telegram. These texts are being introduced to scientific circulation for the first time.

The article also substantiates the concept of an “elite bilingual personality” and argues in favor of classifying their Russian-language texts as authentic. It rationalizes the approach to teaching Russian language and training future teachers of Russian in the bilingual Kazakh-Russian communicative bilingual situation of Kazakhstan, as it does not disregard the traditional approach but expands linguistic and didactic tools.

A. Mongush's letters to A. S. Amanzholov can be used as examples of the epistolary genre in practical school classes and for further research in university audiences. They can also help to expand previously unknown knowledge about the history of Turkology.


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How to Cite

Аманжолова Д. Б., Искендир А. А., Шаймерденова Н. Ж. Коммуникативный и лингводидактический потен­циал эпистолярных текстов: прикладной аспект (на материале почтовой корреспонденции Д. А. Монгуша — А. С. Аман­жолову) // Новые исследования Тувы. 2024. № 3. С. 240-264. DOI:

For citation:
Amanzholova J. B., Iskendir A. A. and Shaimerdenova N. Zh. The communicative and linguodidactic potential of epistolary texts: an applied aspect (based on the material of D. A. Mongush — A. S. Amanzholov’s mail correspondence). New Research of Tuva, 2024, no. 3, pp. 240-264 (In Russ.). DOI:



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biographies

Jemma B. Amanzholova, Astana IT University

Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor, Department of General Education Disciplines, Astana IT University.

Postal address: C1 55/11, Mangilik El Av., 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana.


Akkuralay A. Iskendir, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Doctoral Student, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Postal address: Almaty, 71, аl-Farabi Av., 050000, Republic of Kazakhstan.


Research Supervisor: Doctor of Philology, Professor N. Zh. Shaimerdenova.


Nursulu Zh. Shaimerdenova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Russian Philology and World Literature, Director, Research Institute of Turkology and Altaic Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Postal address: Almaty, 71, аl-Farabi Av., 050000, Republic of Kazakhstan.
