Linguoculturological aspect of biblical translations into Turkic languages (a case study of Bashkir and Tuvan)




Bashkir language; Tuvan language; Turkic languages; linguoculturology; sacred text; Bible


Sacred texts of global religions play an important role in the formation and development of the cultures of the peoples who profess them. They set the contours of the national conceptual framework, form a system of precedent images, words and expressions and directly influence stylistic standards. Translations of these texts into new languages are not only vivid examples of intercultural dialogue, but also contribute to the activation of the lexical, grammatical, derivational and stylistic resources of these languages, the formation of new layers of vocabulary and phraseology, and the expansion of their sphere of concepts.

Due to the fact that the translation of sacred texts takes place simultaneously in three dimensions — the properly linguistic (translation as a recoding of information), cultural (translation as a means of intercultural dialogue) and religious (translation as a means of forming a religious worldview) ones — its study by the methods of linguoculturology seems to be productive and relevant. Although translations of biblical texts into the Bashkir language have been carried out since the late 19th century, and into Tuvan since the 1990s, translated biblical texts in these languages have not become objects of a linguoculturological analysis before. Their contrastive analysis is rarely performed. All these make such a research innovative.

The linguoculturological study of biblical texts is based on the identification of three layers of culturally significant information in them: culturally specific linguistic units that denote the realities of the region and the era of the events described, culturally specific linguistic units that are characteristic of the language from which the translation is made (in the 19th — early 20th century, the translation into Bashkir was carried out from the Russian synodal text), culturally specific units of a target language itself. The selection of such units, ways of their interpretation in a target language, an approach to borrowings from an original language and a mediator language are also culturally determined, as they depend on the worldview and theological position of a translator who is inevitably the bearer of a certain culture. The linguistic and cultural analysis of translated biblical texts also demonstrates cultural dynamics and its reflection in a language: ancient texts are not only recoded by means of a new language, but are also adapted to the requirements of the historical period every time.


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How to Cite

Воробьев В. В., Фаткуллина Ф. Г., Саитбатталов И. Р. Лингвокультурологический аспект библейского перевода на тюркские языки (на материале башкирского и тувинского) // Новые исследования Тувы. 2023, № 4. С. 61-69. DOI:

For citation:
Vorobyev V. V., Fatkullina F. G. and Saitbattalov I. R. Lingvokul’turologicheskii aspekt bibleiskogo perevoda na tiurk­skie iazyki (na materiale bashkirskogo i tuvinskogo) [Linguoculturological aspect of biblical translations into Turkic languages (a case study of Bashkir and Tuvan)]. New Research of Tuva, 2023, no. 4, pp. 61-69. DOI:



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Author Biographies

Vladimir V. Vorobyev, RUDN University

Doctor of Philology, Professor; Head, Department of the Russian Language and Linguoculturology, Institute of the Russian Language, RUDN University.

Postal address: Office 326, Bldg. 3, 10 Miklukho-Maklaya St., 117198 Moscow, Russian Federation. 

E-mail addresses:;

Fluza G. Fatkullina, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Doctor of Philology; Head, Department of Russian and Comparative Philology, Faculty of Bashkir Philology, Oriental Studies and Journalism, Ufa University of Science and Technology.

Postal address: 32 Zaki Validi St., 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation.


Iskander R. Saitbattalov, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Candidate of Philology, Leading Specialist, Research and Education Center for the History of the Bashkir People, Institute of History and Public Administration, Ufa University of Science and Technology.

Postal address: 3/4 Karl Marx St., 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation.
