Theonymic vocabulary in Bashkir and Tuvan translations of the Gospels




Bashkir language; Tuvan language; translation; religious vocabulary; theonym; Turkic languages; Bible


The article presents a contrastive study of theonyms (proper and common names of deities, spirits and other supernatural beings) in the Bashkir translations of the Four Gospels (1902), the New Testament (2015) and the corresponding parts of the Tuvan translation of the Bible (2011). The research was performed using methods of semantic, stylistic and etymological analysis of lexical units, as well as methods of translatological and comparative analysis. The work shows exactly how the resources of two kin languages are realized in the course of construction of Christian religious vocabulary in synchronic and diachronic aspects.

The text of the Four Gospels contains 20 theonyms, including proper names of supernatural beings, their denominations and periphrastic designations. Pre-revolutionary and contemporary translators of gospel texts into Bashkir and modern translators into Tuvan used different strategies for conveying these units into the translated language.

The similarities between these translations are due to the commonality of the basic vocabulary and the agglutinative grammatical structure of two related languages: concepts are often expressed through close lexemes, and combinations are transmitted through the same constructions. The differences are linguistic (lexical and grammatical distinctions in kindred languages) and extralinguistic (dissimilarities in the spiritual culture and history of peoples). The key extralinguistic factor that has caused some differences in the translations is the people’s experience in professing one or another Abrahamic religion. A translator who works on texts of another Abrahamic religion has two options while interacting with the existing Abrahamic tradition — either ignoring it or taking it into account.

The comparison of three translated biblical texts demonstrates the role of the historical and cultural factor in the development of the vocabularies of certain languages and the need to take it into consideration in translation practice.


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How to Cite

Саитбатталов И. Р., Лукманова Р. Х., Саитбатталова Ю. А. Теонимическая лексика в переводах Евангелий на башкирский и тувинский языки // Новые исследования Тувы. 2022. № 4. С. 137-145. DOI:

For citation:
Saitbattalov I. R., Lukmanova R. Kh. and Saitbattalova Yu. A. Teonimicheskaia leksika v perevodakh Evangelii na bash­kirskii i tuvinskii iazyki [Theonymic vocabulary in Bashkir and Tuvan translations of the Gospels]. New Research of Tuva, 2022, no. 4, pp. 137-145. (In Russ.). DOI:



Problems of Oriental studies

Author Biographies

Iskander R. Saitbattalov, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of History of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Archeology and Ethnology, Institute of History and Public Administration, Ufa University of Science and Technology.

Postal address: 32 Zaki Validi St., 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (347) 272-63-70.


Rushana Kh. Lukmanova, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Russian History, Historiography and Source Studies, Institute of History and Public Administration, Ufa University of Science and Technology.

Postal address: 32 Zaki Validi St., 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (347) 272-63-70.


Yuliya A. Saitbattalova, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Bashkir Philology, Oriental Studies and Journalism, Ufa University of Science and Technology.

Postal address: 32 Zaki Validi St., 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (347) 272-63-70.


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