The Shastra Titled ‘A Golden Rosary of Courage’ Composed by Teacher Padamba: an Oirat manuscript from the National Museum of Tuva




Oirat manuscript; precepts; prophecies; shastra; Padamba; Buddhism; translation; archives; National Museum of Tuva; Tuva


This article introduces into scientific circulation the Oirat text of The Shastra Titled ‘A Golden Rosary of Courage’ Composed by Teacher Padamba (Oir. ‘Getülgeqči Padambayin zokoqsan zörögiyin altan erikin kemekü šaštir örošiboi’) contained in the Mongolian Manuscript Collection of the National Museum of the Tyva Republic. It is believed that the work may have been authored by the famous Indian teacher Padampa Sangye (Tib. Phadampa sangs rgyas), or Dampa Sangye (Tib. Dampa sangs rgyas).

The paper provides a transliteration of the Oirat manuscript accompanied by a parallel Russian translation.

Despite there are a number of Mongol-graphic and Oirat-language copies of this shastra, it remains unknown to researchers. The linguistic description of the monument shows that the examined Oirat text is a sample of the classical Oirat language, with episodic elements of Classical Mongolian.

The presence of the manuscript in Tuva evidences the wide spread of the Tibetan-Mongolian Buddhist tradition in the republic.


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Aspects of Culture

Author Biography

Evgenii V. Bembeev, Kalmyk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Philology, Senior Research Associate, Department of Mongolian Philology, Kalmyk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Postal address: 8 Ilishkin St., Elista 358000 Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (847) 2235506.
