Ondar Kongar-ool Borisovich


  • Valentina Yu. Suzukey Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Socioeconomic Studies


Ondar Kongar-ool Borisovich; biography; encyclopedia of Tuvan culture; singer; Tuvan throat singing


Encyclopedic articleabout the famous Tuvan singer K. B. Ondar.

Ondar Kongar-ool (29.03.1962 — 25.07.2013) — one of the most recognizedin the world of masters of Tuvan throat singing; Honored Khoomeizhi of the Republic of Tuva (1992), Honored artist of the Russian Federation (1994), Honored worker of education of Tuva (2011), high achiever of physical culture and sportsof the Republic of Tuva (1995), Deputy of the second convocationof the Verhovny Hural (Parliament) of the Republic of Tyva (1998-2002).


Fox, M. (2013) Kongar-ol Ondar, a Master of a Vocal Art, Dies at 51 [Электронный ресурс] (2013) // The New York Times. August 3. URL: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/08/04/arts/music/kongar-ol-ondar-a-bewitching-master-of-remarkable-sounds-dies-at-51.html?from=arts&_r=0

Kaminsky, J. (2013) Tuvan throat singer Kongar-ol Ondar dies at 51 [Электронный ресурс] (2013) // Reuters. 25 Jul. URL: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/25/entertainment-us-ondar-death-idUSBRE96O1IQ20130725

Woo, E. (2013) Kongar-ol Ondar dies at 51; master of Tuvan throat singing [Электронный ресурс] (2013) // Los Angeles Times. August 10. URL: http://www.latimes.com/local/obituaries/la-me-kongar-ol-ondar-20130811-story.html#page=1

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Antuf'eva, N., Ondur, S. (2012) Kongar-ool Ondar. Obuzdavshii sud'bu // Tsentr Azii (gazeta). № 36 (14–20 sentiabria), № 37 (21–27 sentiabria), № 38 (28 sentiabria — 4 oktiabria).

Kongar-ool Ondar ozvuchil Dmitriiu Medvedevu problemy tuvinskikh gorlovikov [Elektronnyi resurs] (2011) // Tuva.Aziia. 24 marta. URL: http://www.tuva.asia/news/tuva/3201-kongar-ool.html

Kongar-ool Ondar priznan «zvezdoi kul'tury» Tuvy [Elektronnyi resurs] (2013) // Tuva.Aziia. 28 marta. URL: http://www.tuva.asia/news/tuva/6087-konkgar-ool.html

Kongar-ool Ondar s poslednei naputstvennoi rech'iu k tuvintsam [Elektronnyi resurs] (2013) // YouTube. 26 iiulia. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEeIWl2qCpk

Ne stalo Kongar-oola Ondara — simvola tuvinskogo gorlovogo peniia [Elektronnyi resurs] (2013) // Pravitel'stvo Respubliki Tyva. 27 iiulia. URL: http://gov.tuva.ru/press_center/news/culture/4277/

Nekrolog Ondaru Borisovichu Kongar-oolu [Elektronnyi resurs] (2013) // Ministerstvo kul'tury Krasnoiarskogo kraia. 26 iiulia. URL: http://www.krasfolk.ru/news/umer-ondar-kogar-ool/

Ramazanova, T. (2013) Zvezda po imeni Kongar-ool [Elektronnyi resurs] (2013) // Plius Inform. 31 iiulia. URL: http://plusinform.ru/culture/5064-zvezda-po-imeni-kongarool.html

Soinova, N. (2004) Kongar-ool Ondar: «U nas v Tyve kazhdyi piatyi — gorlovik» [Elektronnyi resurs] // Komok (gazeta). 27 fevralia. URL: http://kaleda.ru/articles/1827

Suzukei, V. Iu. (2011) Iskusstvom khoomeia svoego raskroiu dushu svoiu. Zhizn' i tvorchestvo Narodnogo khoomeizhi RT K. Ondara. Kyzyl. 256 s.

Tuva prostilas' s Zasluzhennym artistom Rossii Kongar-oolom Ondarom [Elektronnyi resurs] (2013) // Tuva.Aziia. 29 iiulia. URL: http://www.tuva.asia/news/tuva/6426-ondar-proschanie.html

Tuva sobrala poklonnikov tuvinskogo gorlovogo peniia iz raznykh stran mira [Elektronnyi resurs] (2012) // Tuva.Aziia. 7 iiulia. URL: http://www.tuva.asia/news/tuva/5016-dembildey.html

Ukhod Kongar-oola Borisovicha Ondara – takaia poteria dlia Tuvy, kotoruiu eshche predstoit osoznat' [Elektronnyi resurs] (2013) // Pravitel'stvo Respubliki Tyva. 26 iiulia. URL: http://gov.tuva.ru/press_center/news/culture/4278/

Ushel iz zhizni izvestneishii ispolnitel' gorlovogo peniia Tuvy Kongar-ool Ondar [Elektronnyi resurs] (2013) // Tuva.Aziia. 26 iiulia. URL: http://www.tuva.asia/news/tuva/6419-kongar-ool-ondar.html

Fel'dman, M. (2014) V pamiat' o Narodnom khoomeizhi [Elektronnyi resurs] (2014) // Tuvinskaia pravda. 12 avgusta. URL: http://tuvapravda.ru/?q=content/v-pamyat-o-narodnom-hoomeyzhi



How to Cite

Suzukey, V. Y. (2014) “Ondar Kongar-ool Borisovich”, The New Research of Tuva, 4. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/87 (Accessed: 19.12.2024).



Encyclopedia of Tuvan culture

Author Biography

Valentina Yu. Suzukey, Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Socioeconomic Studies

Doctor of Culturology, chief scientific worker of the sector of culture