Tuvan (neo) shamanism as a religious and healing practice in contemporary world


  • Valentina I. Kharitonova Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences




shamanism; (neo) shamanism; urban shamanism; spiritual practice; shaman healing; esotericism; religious system; religious practice; folk medicine; prevention and recovery; ASC; altered states of consciousness; Tuva; Tuvans


The article examines present-day cultural and religious situation of the Tuvans in the republic of Tuva, as well as its implications in different countries. The study is based on the field and laboratory materials collected between 2000 and 2018, on multiple publications in mass-media, TV footage and video recordings from that period. Some aspects of religious work and healing by those describing their practice as (neo) shamanic have been analyzed here, and some examples of practices of individual Tuvan (neo) shamans and their disciples from different Russian regions are described. The author looks at the transformations and significant modernization shamanism has experienced in the post-Soviet period.

Cultural globalisation has led to a flow of Russian and foreign tourists in Tuva, seeking shamanic experience or wishing to become a shaman. The researchers of shamanism also go there. Tuvan (neo) shamans, in their turn, visit cities of Russia and foreign countries, where they present to their listeners the Tuvan sacred culture, devotional rituals, healing and medical practices. In making these foreign spaces their own, they even construct sanctuaries, known as ovaa, and leave them for further use by the local residents.

The transformation of modern Tuvan “shamanism” is mandated by changes in legislation on religions (shamanism is the official religion of the republic of Tuva), by social and economic challenges, as well as problems with health care. Other important factors include the national and cultural revival with its focus on rebirth of ritual culture and shamanism; an enduring interest in certain aspects of psychology, the transcendent, esotericism and studying previously forbidden knowledge and experience. The practice of shamanism is changing, and so does the contingent of its practitioners.


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How to Cite

Харитонова В. И. Тувинский (нео)шаманизм как культовая и целительская практика в современном мире [Электронный ресурс] // Новые исследования Тувы. 2018, № 4. URL: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/806 (дата обращения: дд.мм.гг.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.25178/nit.2018.4.3

Kharitonova V. I. Tuvan (neo) shamanism as a religious and healing practice in contemporary world. The New Research of Tuva, 2018, no. 4 [on-line] Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/806 (accessed: ...). DOI: https://doi.org/10.25178/nit.2018.4.3



Aspects of Culture

Author Biography

Valentina I. Kharitonova, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of History, Leading Researcher, Head of Center of Medical Anthropology, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences; President, Association of Medical Anthropology (Russia); Editor-in-chief of “Medical Anthropology and Bioethics” journal.

Postal address: Room 1804, 32A Leninskiy prosp., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Moscow, 119991 Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (495) 954-80-09.

E-mail: medanthro@mail.ru