A historical and cultural study of the adaptation of Russians in Tuva


  • Marina V. Mongush Russian State Archives




Tuva; colonization of Siberia; Russian settlers; Old Believers; Tuvan-Russian relations; sociocultural adaptation; Russians in Tuva; review; history of Tuva


This is a review of: Tatarintseva, M. P. and Mollerov, N. M. Russkie v Tuve (konets XIX — pervaia polovina XX v.) [Russians in Tuva in late 19th and the first half of 20th centuries]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2016. 295 p. ISBN 978-5-02-038689-1

The monograph is a historical and cultural study focused on the Russian population of Tuva. Tatarintseva and Mollerov’s book provides a comprehensive and detailed look at the process of sociocultural adaptation of Russians to the new living conditions in Tuva, covering their everyday lives, material and spiritual culture, as well as their contributions to the economic and cultural welfare of the region.

The first three chapters are devoted to the earliest Russian settlers – craftsmen, traders and farmers, and their motives for immigrating. Chapter 4 deals with the sensitive issue of Russian-Tuvan relations. The authors have provided a treasure trove of archival documents and field materials to challenge and expand the conventional opinions on the interrelations between Russian settlers and the indigenous population, thus adding edge to this issue. Chapters 5 and 6 examine the legal status of the Russian migrants, their social structure and economic activity. The following six chapters provide an in-depth coverage of various aspects of spiritual and material culture of the Russian settlers. The authors note their commitment to traditional Russian values and stereotypes. The settlers continued to observe their family and calendar rites and traditions, preserved their food preferences and etiquette rules. At the same time, they did not reject Tuvan culture, social norms and values. Ultimately, this facilitated their ethnocultural integration into the host society and the development of a new mentality which differed from those existing in their regions of out-migration and the society of their new resident territory. The final chapter deals with the Soviet residents of Tuva who took part in the Great Patriotic war.

The book appeals to a wide readership, but primarily to historians and ethnologists with an interest in everyday lives, customs, traditions and culture of Russians living among other ethnicities.


Mollerov, N. M. (1984) Vazhnyi vklad RSTK (1922–1932 gg.) v ukreplenie sovetsko-tuvinskikh otnoshenii [Important contribution of RSTK (1922-1932) to the strengthening of Soviet-Tuvan relations]. In: Problemy istorii Tuvy [Problems of Tuva history] / ed. by Iu. L. Aranchyn. Kyzyl, Tuvinskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo. 283 p. Pp. 84–97. (In Russ.).

Mollerov, N. M. (1989) Deiatel'nost' komitetov sovetskikh grazhdan TNR v oblasti kul'tury (1932–1941 gg.) [Work of the committees of Soviet citizens of the PRT in the field of culture (1932-1941)]. In: Kul'tura tuvintsev: traditsii i sovremennost' [Tuvan culture: traditions and modernity] / ed. by Iu. L. Aranchyn. Kyzyl, Tuvinskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo. 152 p. Pp. 110–120. (In Russ.).

Mollerov, N. M. (2007) Osnovanie i razvitie g. Turana v kontse XIX — nachale XX v. (istoricheskii ocherk) [Foundation and development of the town of Turan in the late 19th and early 20th: a historical essay]. Uchenye zapiski TIGI, vol. 20 / ed. by V. D. Mart-ool. Kyzyl, Tuvinskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo. 420 p. Pp. 60–84. (In Russ.).

Mollerov, N. M. (2010) Nashi zemliaki v tylu i na fronte Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny [Our countrymen in the home front and on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic war]. In: Tuva: cherez zhestokuiu voinu k velikoi Pobede [Tuva: through the brutal war to a great Victory] / ed. by N. M. Mollerov. Abakan, OOO «Mandarin». 136 p. Pp. 7–11. (In Russ.).

Mollerov, N. M. (2012) «Nravstvennyi predstavitel' veruiushchikh SSSR» — sviashchennik Vladimir Iunevich ["Moral representative of the believers of the USSR" — father Vladimir Yunevich]. Uchenye zapiski TIGI, vol. 23 / ed. by K. A. Bicheldei. Kyzyl, Tuvinskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo. 584 p. Pp. 495–500. (In Russ.).

Tatarintseva, M. P. and Mollerov, N. M. (2016) Russkie v Tuve (konets XIX — pervaia polovina XX v.) [Russians in Tuva in late 19th and the first half of 20th centuries]. Novosibirsk, Nauka. 295 p. (In Russ.).

Tatarintseva, M. P. (2012) Sotsiokul'turnaia adaptatsiia russkikh pereselentsev v Tuve v kontse XIX — nachale XX veka [Social and cultural adaptation of Russian migrants in Tuva in the late 19th and early 20th centuries]. In: Uchenye zapiski TIGI, vol. 23 / ed. by K. A. Bicheldei. Kyzyl, Tuvinskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo. 584 p. Pp. 408–421. (In Russ.).

Tatarintseva, M. P. (2013) Etnicheskaia kul'tura russkikh pereselentsev v Tuve: proshloe i nastoiashchee [Ethnic culture of Russian immigrants in Tuva: past and present]. In: Tiurkskaia runika: iazyk; istoriia; kul'tura (k 120-letiiu deshifrovki orkhono-eniseiskoi pis'mennosti): materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (g. Kyzyl, 10-11 iiulia 2013 g.) [Turkic runic: language; history; culture (dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the decryption of the Orkhon-Yenisei script): proceedings of the International conference (Kyzyl, July 10-11, 2013)]: in 2 vols. / ed. by K. A. Bicheldei. Abakan, Khak. kn. izd-vo. Vol. 2. 186 p. Pp. 157–160. (In Russ.).

Tatarintseva, M. P. (2014) Agrarnyi kalendar' v kul'ture russkikh pereselentsev [Agricultural calendar in the culture of Russian immigrants]. In: Edinaia Tuva v edinoi Rossii: istoriia; sovremennost'; perspektivy. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi 100-letiiu edineniia Rossii i Tuvy (g. Kyzyl, 3-4 iiulia 2014 g.) [United Tuva in United Russia: history; modernity; prospects. Proceedings of the International scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the unity of Russia and Tuva (Kyzyl, July 3-4, 2014)] / ed. by K. A. Bicheldei. Abakan, Khak. kn. izd-vo. 211 p. Pp. 18–20.

Tatarintseva, M. P. (2015) Staroobriadtsy Tuvy: retrospektiva i sovremennyi etap [The old believers of Tuva: a retrospective and contemporary stage]. In: Staroobriadchestvo: istoriia i sovremennost'; mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye sviazi: materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Old belief: history and modernity; local traditions, Russian and foreign relations: proceedings of the 6th International scientific-practical conference] / ed. by S. V. Vasil'ev. Ulan-Ude, Izdatel'stvo Buriatskogo gosuniversiteta. 392 p. Pp. 137–143. (In Russ.).



How to Cite

Mongush, M. V. (2018) “A historical and cultural study of the adaptation of Russians in Tuva”, The New Research of Tuva, 2. doi: https://www.doi.org/10.25178/nit.2018.2.12.



Reviews and Annotations

Author Biography

Marina V. Mongush, Russian State Archives

Doctor of History, Leading Specialist, Department of Information Retrieval Systems, Russian State Archives.

Postal address: 17 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street, 119435 Moscow, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (495) 580-88-41.

E-mail: garf@statearchive.ru