Researching and teaching Tuvan language in Turkey: a concise history


  • Mehmet Ölmez Yıldız Technical University



Tuvan language; Turkey; Turkic language; problems of teaching language; review; Turkology; Master’s thesis; Doctoral dissertation; Tuvan studies


The earliest studies of Tuvan language in Turkey go back to A. C. Emre’s grammar (1949). Emre was the first scholar in Turkey to do a comparative study of phonetics of Turkic languages. The 1960s saw the publication of S.I. Çağatay’s studies in Turkology. The first classes of Tuvan language in Turkey were offered in the 1980s by Prof. Dr. Talat Tekin at Hacettepe University.

The author of the article was Dr. Tekin’s student and studied Tuvan in 1986-1987 while on a post-graduate program. Relying on the works of Soviet researchers, the author published articles on historical phonetics and archaic aspects of Tuvan language. In 2007, the author compiled “A Wordlist of Tuvan Language” (over 4500 entries), wherein he traced the lexical links between Old Turkic and Tuvan languages and described the influence that Mongolian language had on Tuvan vocabulary. In 2009, the author published a collection of 100 Tuvan proverbs. All of these publications were prepared after the author’s research work in Tuva, including the library of the Tuvan Institute for the Humanities.

Since the 2000s, the author has been teaching Tuvan. He was the supervisor of A. Ş. Usta (Fındık)’s Master’s and Doctor’s dissertations and of H. Aras’s Master’s thesis. Besides Hacettepe University, two more institutions now offer classes of Tuvan and do research in the language – Ankara University and Gazi University. In addition to the departments of modern Turkic languages and literatures, those of Turkish language and literature now also offer programs in Tuvan language.

The author believes that research in Tuvan language and studying it in Turkey will gain wider traction in Turkey and attract ever more interest from both learners and scholars.


Pal'mbakh, A. A. (1955) Tuvinsko-russkii slovar'. Okolo 20 000 slov [Tuvan-Russian dictionary. C. 20,000 words]. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo inostrannykh i natsional'nykh slovarei. 724 p. (In Russ.).

Emre, A. C. (1949) Türk Lehçelerinin Mukayeseli Grameri, İlk Deneme. 1nci Kitap: Fonetik [A Comparative Grammar of Turkic Languages: A First Attempt, vol.1. Phonetics], TDK, İstanbul. (In Turkish).

Çağatay, S. (1969) Tuba Ağzında iyik [«Iyik» in Tuba Language]. Türkiyat Mecmuası, no. 15, pp. 171–174. (In Turkish).

Çağatay, S. (1972) Türk Lehçeleri Örnekleri, II: Yaşayan Ağız ve Lehçeler [Samples of Turkic Languages, II: Living Languages and Dialects]. Ankara. (In Turkish).

Ölmez, M. (1996) Tuvalar ve Tuvaca [Tuvans and Tuvan Lnaguage]. Çağdaş Türk Dili, no. 95, pp. 10–17. (In Turkish).

Ölmez, M. (2000) Tuvacanın Eskiliği Üzerine [On the Antiquity of Tuvan Language]. TDA, no. 10, pp. 133–138. (In Turkish).

Ölmez, M. (2007) Tuwinischer Wortschatz mit alttürkischen und mongolischen Parallelen — Tuvacanın Sözvarlığı Eski Türkçe ve Moğolca Denklikleriyle [The Vocabulary of Tuvan Language in Comparison with the Old Turkic and Mongolian] : Wiesbaden. Harrassowitz Verlag Veröffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica — Band 72. XII+516 s. (In Turkish).

Ölmez, M. (2009) Tuva Atasözlerinden Seçmeler [Selected Tuvan Proverbs]. Sibirische Studien / Sibirya İncelemeleri, no. 4.1, pp. 51–128. (In Turkish).

Ölmez, M. (2010) Az Bilinen Tuvaca Bir Sözlük Üzerine [On a Little-Known Dictionary of Tuvan Language]. In: Tuvinskaia pis'mennost' i voprosy issledovaniia pis'mennostei i pis'mennykh pamiatnikov Rossii i Tsentral'no-Aziatskogo regiona : materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi 80-letiiu tuvinskoi pis'mennosti (Kyzyl, 1–4 iiulia 2010 goda) [Tuvan Writing and the Issues of Studying Writings and Written Monuments of Russia and the Central Asian Region: Proceedings of the International Conference to Celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Tuvan Writing] : in 2 vols. / ed. by K. A. Bicheldei. Kyzyl, Tuvinskii in-t gumanitarnykh issled. pri Prav-ve Respubliki Tuva; Abakan, Khakasskoe kn. izd-vo. Vol. 1. Pp. 133–137. (In Turkish).

Ölmez, M. (2013) Eski Türkçe ile Tuvaca Arasındaki Paralellikler [Parallels between the Old Turkic and Tuvan language]. In: Tiurkskaia runika: iazyk, istoriia, kul'tura : (k 120-letiiu deshifrovki orkhono-eniseiskoi pis'mennosti) : materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (g. Kyzyl, 10-11 iiulia 2013 g.) [Turkic Runic Script: Language, History, Culture: Celebrating the 120th Anniversary of Decrypting the Orkhon-Yenisei Script: Proceedings of the International Conference (Kyzyl, July 10-11, 2013)]. Abakan, Khakasskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. Pp. 21–25. (In Turkish).

Ölmez, M. (2016) Çin Tuvacası ve Çin Tuvacası Üzerine Çalışmalar [Tuvan Language in China and Chinese Research in Tuvan Language]. In: Zagrozhenі movi Krims'kotatars'ka ta іnshі tiurkskі movi v Ukraïnі [Endangered Languages: Crimean Tatar and other Turkic Languages in Ukraine], ed. by O. V. Bogomolov et al. Kiїv. Pp. 93–105. (In Turkish).

Aras, H. (2006) Tuvaca “Alday-Buuçu” Destanının Dil Yönünden İncelenmesi, Metin-Çeviri-Açıklamalı Sözlük [Linguistic Analysis of the Tuvan Fairytale “Alday-Buuchu”, a Dictionary with Translations and Comments], Haziran. (In Turkish).

Usta (Fındık), A. Ş. (2014) Tuvaca “İyi Ösküs Ool” (İki Öksüz Çocuk) Hikâyesi [Iyi өlkүs ool», a Tuvan Fairytale]. Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, no. 38, pp. 79–125. (In Turkish).

Fındık, A. Ş. (2016) Tuvaca Kiji-bürüs Adlı Hikayenin Yazıçevirimi, Türkçe Çevirisi ve Sözlüğü [A Transcription and Turkish Translation of Tuvan Fairytale «Kizhi-bүrүs» and Its Dictionary], Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi. (In Turkish).

Fındık, A. Ş. and Ölmez, M. (2016) Tuva Çocuk Edebiyatı ve Tuvacanın Söz Varlığı [Tuvan Children’s Literature and the Vocabulary of Tuvan Language]. In: Uluslararası Yulduz Türk Dili Sempozyumu. Nisan 25, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi [International Symposium on Turkic Language. April 25. Yıldız Technical University], Ankara. Pp. 377–383. (In Turkish).



How to Cite

Ölmez, M. (2018) “Researching and teaching Tuvan language in Turkey: a concise history”, The New Research of Tuva, 1. doi:



Ethnicity and society

Author Biography

Mehmet Ölmez, Yıldız Technical University


PhD, Professor, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey.

Postal address: Davutpaşa Yerleşimi, № 127, 34210 Esenler/İstanbul. Turkeı.

Tel.: +90212 383 44 41.
