People's revolution in Tuva: what is myth and what is reality?


  • Nikolay M. Mollerov Tuvan Institute for the Humanities


people's revolution; history of Tuva; myth; Tuvan people's Republic; Tuva


Tuva's People's Revolution as the biggest ideological myth in the history of Tuva of the newest period is raised in the current publication.


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How to Cite

Mollerov, N. M. (2009) “People’s revolution in Tuva: what is myth and what is reality?”, The New Research of Tuva, 1-2. Available at: (Accessed: 22.07.2024).



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biography

Nikolay M. Mollerov, Tuvan Institute for the Humanities

Doctor of History, Chief Researcher, Department of History