The protectorate of Russia over Tuva in 1914–1925 (an historic and legal aspect)


  • Nikolay M. Mollerov Tuvan Institute for the Humanities


protectorate; concussion; voluntariness; Nikolay II; Russian Empire; Uriankhai region; course of law; legal collision; legal vacuum; constitutional regulation; Soviet protectorate


Article presents the author’s presentation at International Science Conference devoted to 100th  jubilee "United Tuva in united Russia: history, modernity, futures” (July 3-4, 2014, Kyzyl).Questions of the relevance of protectorate in the past and at modernity, the legitimization of the actions directed to the protectorate’s establishment, and the legal status of the protectorate are considered. Noted are the legal collisions related to the revocation and preservation of the protectorate in 1917-1925.


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How to Cite

Mollerov, N. M. (2014) “The protectorate of Russia over Tuva in 1914–1925 (an historic and legal aspect)”, The New Research of Tuva, 3. Available at: (Accessed: 3.07.2024).



The 100th anniversary of the unification of Tuva and Russia

Author Biography

Nikolay M. Mollerov, Tuvan Institute for the Humanities

Doctor of History, Chief Researcher, Department of History