Lexis of the reindeer breeders in Tere-Khol district


  • Elena M. Kuular Tuvan State University
  • Nadezhda D. Suvandii Tuvan State University


reindeer breeding; lexis; dialect; reindeer breeding lexis; dwelling of reindeer breeders; Tere-Hol; Tuva


The article is devoted to the description of the reindeer breeding lexis of the Tere-Khol district of the Republic of Tuva. There are the main lexico-semantic groups which were used till the mid 1990’s. Since that period concerned lexis moved out of the frequent usage. Nowadays it applies to the category of the little-used words in the lexis of the Tere-Khol dialect of Tuvan language.


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Kunaa, A. Ch. (1973). O foneticheskikh osobennostiakh naseleniia Erzina // UZ TNIIIaLI. Vyp. 14. Kyzyl.

Bicheldei, K. A. (1985). Osobennosti zvukovogo stroia iugo-vostochnogo dialekta tuvinskogo iazyka // Fonetika sibirskikh iazykov. Novosibirsk.

Seren, P. S. (2006). Tere-khol'skii dialekt tuvinskogo iazyka. Abakan.

Kuular, E. M. (2003). Osnovnye kharakteristiki tuvinskoi rechi zhitelei iugo-vostochnoi chasti Tuvy. M.



How to Cite

Kuular, E. M. and Suvandii, N. D. (2011) “Lexis of the reindeer breeders in Tere-Khol district”, The New Research of Tuva, 1. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/447 (Accessed: 1.09.2024).



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Author Biographies

Elena M. Kuular, Tuvan State University

Candidate of Philology, Docent of the Departmentof the Tuvan and General linguistics

Nadezhda D. Suvandii, Tuvan State University

Candidate of Philology, Head of the Departmentof the Tuvan and General linguistics

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