Studies of socio-cultural processes in the Republic of Tuva (1980s — present)
Tuva; science in Tuva; history of science; Tuvan studies; sociocultural process; TuvIKOPR SB RAS; TIGPI; TuvSUAbstract
The article examines the formation and development of sociocultural research in Tuva — scientific studies in various fields of social and humanities knowledge aimed at analyzing sociocultural phenomena and processes. The stages of shaping approaches to studying the interrelation between social and economic processes in the region are analyzed.
The following stages of research genesis are identified: 1) 1980s — 2000: Recognition of the problem’s significance, formation of the foundations of the sociocultural research system, and study of the influence of sociocultural factors (ethnoregional characteristics of labor activities, adaptation processes and models, social well-being, ethnic identity, value orientations, labor preferences, etc.) on the functioning of public institutions, along with the accumulation of experience in conducting large-scale sociological surveys of the population; 2) 2001–2015: Development of theoretical concepts, establishment of a sociological research base in the republic, activation of population surveys by scholars, and involvement of students in survey activities; 3) 2016 — present: Expansion of the scope and geography of sociocultural analysis, advancement of theoretical developments, increased competitiveness of Tuva’s researchers, acquisition of prestigious grants, and publication of monographic studies.
Additionally, the main stages of longitudinal research on sociocultural processes in the Republic of Tuva (1990–2023) are examined separately. These studies have been conducted and continue to be carried out under the supervision of the article's author.
Based on the analysis of the current state of research, prospective directions for further development are outlined.
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How to Cite
For citation:
Balakina G. F. Studies of socio-cultural processes in the Republic of Tuva (1980s — present). New Research of Tuva, 2025, no. 1, pp. 78-90. (In Russ.). DOI:

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