“Yenisei Meridian” of the Old Believers: methods of research of the ethno-confessional environment





Yenisei; Tuva; Yenisei Meridian; Old Believers; skete; ethno-confessional environment; ethnological approach; socio-cultural anthropology; art historical analysis; visuality; confessional migration; book collection; manuscript collection


The article analyzes the results of cameral and field studies of Old Believer communities in Tuva and the entire Yenisei Siberia conducted during 2016–2020 by a group of researchers affiliated with leading scientific institutions and regional research and educational centers in Russia. The methodological approaches and methods tested by the research team within the framework of joint and individual grant projects are systematized.

The historical approach facilitated an assessment of the origins, causes, and nature of the temporal evolution of the processes under study. The ethnological approach focused on evaluating the dynamics of ethnic parameters within Old Believer culture, as well as the extent and character of its mutual influence with the external environment, including the autochthonous milieu. A religious studies perspective on the issue of regional Old Believers helped uncover the depth of specific features of confessional development in life and worldview of taiga Old Believers and their spectrum of communication. The cultural studies perspective contributed to contextual assessments of the general trajectory of cultural development in the studied community and its key distinctive characteristics. Methods of socio-cultural anthropology allowed for the synthesis of various social and cultural parameters of the studied group and helped determine the place, role, and significance of individuals within this complex system.

The study identified the principles of traditionalism and group confessional consolidation among the Old Believers of the “Yenisei Meridian” as being rooted in conservatism, along with their cultural and everyday isolation. The dominance of the “field” approach became a leading research principle, resulting in significant clarifications of the social practices of this ethno-confessional group.


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How to Cite

Пригарин А. А., Стороженко А. А. «Енисейский меридиан» староверия: методы исследования этноконфессиональной среды // Новые исследования Тувы. 2024, № 4. С. 259-277. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25178/nit.2024.4.17

For citation:
Prigarin A. A. and Storozhenko A. A. “Yenisei Meridian” of the Old Believers: methods of research of the ethno-confes­sional environment. New Research of Tuva, 2024, no. 4, pp. 259-277. (In Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.25178/nit.2024.4.17



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biographies

Alexander A. Prigarin, Russian State University for the Humanities

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Leading Researcher, Center for Social Anthropology, Russian State University for the Humanities.

Postal address: 6 Miusskaya Sq., building 4, room 605, 125047, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: prigarin.alexand@gmail.com

Alena A. Storozhenko, Tuvan State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of National History, Tuvan State University

Postal address: 5 Lenina St., office 206, 667000, Kyzyl, Russia.

Email: alstorozhenko@yandex.ru