Tuprak ‘land, soil’ in the myphoritual traditions of the Bashkirs: origins, features and modern modifications


  • Rozaliya A. Sultangareeva Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University




land worship; Mother Earth; tuprak; Bashkirs; Bashkir language; ritual; myth; Bashkir culture; Bashkir folklore


The article delves into the mythological origins, transformations, and contemporary realities of worship practices and traditions related to the sanctification of land and soil, as conveyed through the concepts in Bashkir linguoculture, namely “tupraq” and “yer”.

The traditional Bashkir system of venerating the land can be traced back to myths depicting its living essence, the inherent blood relationship between the land and humanity, and the recognition of the land's sacredness, emanating from the essence of the demigod Ural-Batyr. Subsequent modifications of these concepts occurred in alignment with the evolving objectives of calendar rites, practices, and rituals, adapting practically for agricultural pursuits and healing rituals. Rituals dedicated to the land exhibit a synthesis and amalgamation of Tengrian and Islamic beliefs.

However, contemporary policies regarding land sales and the disregard for the respectful treatment of the land have generated a discord with traditional values. This disjunction has led to a sense of concern evident in public discourse and contemporary folklore.


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How to Cite

Султангареева Р. А. Тупрак ‘земля, почва’ в мифоритуальных традициях башкир: архаичные истоки, особенности и современные модификации // Новые исследования Тувы. 2023, № 4. С. 314-327. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25178/nit.2023.4.22

For citation:
Sultangareeva R. A. Tuprak ‘zemlia, pochva’ v miforitual’nykh traditsiiakh bashkir: arkhaichnye istoki, osobennosti i so­vremennye modifikatsii [Tuprak ‘land, soil’ in the myphoritual traditions of the Bashkirs: origins, features and modern modifications]. New Research of Tuva, 2023, no. 4, pp. 314-327. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25178/nit.2023.4.22



Problems of Oriental studies

Author Biography

Rozaliya A. Sultangareeva, Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Philology, Head, Research Center of Bashkir Folklore, Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University.

Postal address: 8/13, Oktyabrskaya revolyutsii St., 450008, Russia, Ufa.

Email addresses: sasania@mail.ru; bashfolklor2022@mail.ru