Special aspects of historical momentum in Uryakhai region between Russian Emperor Nikolay II indorsed "Agree” and "Successful” in 1914


  • Kaadyr-ool A. Bicheldey Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tuva


Uriankhai region; Nikolay II; protectorate; Russian Empire; historical documents; jubilee


Article presents the author’s presentation at International Science Conference devoted to 100th  jubilee "United Tuva in united Russia: history, modernity, futures” (July 3-4, 2014, Kyzyl). It enunciates the Tuvan and Russian governments’ efforts in establishing the jubilee date (2009-2011) and registers historical documents found and consolidated by the Russian Academy of Sciences that confirm the Russian protectorate over Tuva in 1914.


Dulov, V. I. (1956) Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskaia istoriia Tuvy. M.

Istoriia Tuvy (2001) Novosibirsk : Nauka.

Kabo, R. (1934) Ocherki istorii i ekonomiki Tuvy. M.-L.

Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia v epokhu imperializma: dokumenty iz arkhivov tsarskogo i Vremennogo pravitel'stv. 1878–1917 (1933). M.-L. Ser. 3: 1914–1917. T. 2. 14 marta — 13 maia 1914 g.

Moiseev, V. I. (1983) Tsinskaia imperiia i narody Saiano-Altaia v XVIII v. M. : Nauka.

Seifulin, Kh. M. (1954) Obrazovanie Tuvinskoi avtonomnoi oblasti. Kyzyl.

Sobranie uzakonenii i rasporiazhenii pravitel'stva za 1914 g. (1915) Pg.

Toka, S. (1946) Prazdnik tuvinskogo naroda // Pravda. 17 avgusta.

Toka, S. K. (1943) Zarozhdenie tuvinskoi narodno-revoliutsionnoi partii // Pod znamenem Lenina i Stalina. № 5. S. 33–42.



How to Cite

Bicheldey, K. A. (2014) “Special aspects of historical momentum in Uryakhai region between Russian Emperor Nikolay II indorsed "Agree” and "Successful” in 1914”, The New Research of Tuva, 3. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/126 (Accessed: 29.03.2025).



The 100th anniversary of the unification of Tuva and Russia

Author Biography

Kaadyr-ool A. Bicheldey, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tuva

Doctor of Philology, Minister

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