Model of language comfort in urban space: New aspects and research methods
city linguistic space; model of linguistic comfort; Yakutsk; Yakut languageAbstract
The article presents an analysis of the methodology and methods of studying sociocultural and linguistic processes in a modern city in the context of urbanization processes.
The authors propose a method of complex interdisciplinary research based on sociolinguistic approaches — constructing a model of linguistic comfort of urban communication, which is conditional upon the variability of the urban population by social, professional, age and ethnic characteristics, upon the degree of urbanization, as well as upon the diversity of the main parameters of the language communication in a city, its levels and types, with the multidimensionality of communicative goals and strategies that ensure comfortable communication in all areas of urban life (professional, educational, mundane, etc.). This model will allow to make a prognosis of the development of the language situation in a city in synchronous and diachronic perspectives using methods of the language biography, measuring conflict potential, social mapping, GIS technologies, associative experiment, methods of unfinished sentences.
The city of Yakutsk in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was chosen as an experimental research site. The size and density of the population and heterogeneity of connections between its inhabitants determine the qualitative features of urban culture as a mode of life.
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How to Cite
For citation:
Bitkeeva A. N., Khokholova I. S. and Filippova V. V. Model’ iazykovoi komfortnosti v gorodskom prostranstve: novye aspekty i metody issledovaniia [Model of language comfort in urban space: New aspects and research methods]. New Research of Tuva, 2023, no. 3, pp. 151-170. (In Russ.). DOI:

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