Educational portal "Khalmg Keln” (Kalmyk language): status and development


  • Viktoria V. Kukanova Kalmyk Institute for Humanities, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Svetlana M. Trofimova Kalmyk State University


electronic textbook; Kalmyk language; preservation of language; informational technologies


Article describes the status and ways of development of the informational and educational resource "Khalmg Keln (Kalmyk language) which is first in the Kalmyk studies created by the collective of authors  aiming to preserve the Kalmyk language and develop the Kalmyk culture.


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Kukanova, V. V., Trofimova, S. M., Kadzhiev, A. Iu. (2014) Informatsionno-obrazovatel'nyi resurs «Khal'mg keln» (Kalmytskii iazyk) // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mongolovedeniia i altaistiki. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Elista. S. 416–418.

Trofimova, S. M., Rassadin, V. I. (2014) Ob osnovnykh printsipakh obucheniia kalmytskomu iazyku kak inostrannomu // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mongolovedeniia i altaistiki. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Elista. S. 316-318.

Khabunova, E. E. (2014) Kalmytskii fol'klor i elektronnyi uchebnik: k postanovke problemy // Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mongolovedeniia i altaistiki. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Elista. S. 491–494.



How to Cite

Kukanova, V. V. and Trofimova, S. M. (2014) “Educational portal "Khalmg Keln” (Kalmyk language): status and development”, The New Research of Tuva, 4. Available at: (Accessed: 20.12.2024).



Nomads of the Asian continent

Author Biographies

Viktoria V. Kukanova, Kalmyk Institute for Humanities, Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of philological Sciences, head of laboratoryof applied and experimentallinguistics

Svetlana M. Trofimova, Kalmyk State University

Doctor of philological Sciences, Professor