Mental disorders in the traditional culture of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples of Inner Asia: perception, causes, healing
Turkic peoples; Mongolian peoples; Siberia; Yakuts; Tuvans; Khakass people; Buryats; traditional worldview; diseases; mental disordersAbstract
Among the common diseases described among the peoples of Siberia, there are various types of mental conditions, which since the 19th century have been termed "hysterical-demonic", such as epilepsy, delirium, hallucinations, convulsions, depression, or suicidal tendencies. . The most famous and widespread case was the Menerik (emiryachestvo), which mainly affected women. Of particular interest are traditional views on the causes of mental disorder. The article brings together information on various forms of such disorders and their causes as understood by people of traditional culture and by researchers. Also covered is the etymology of the terms used.
Those suffering from the Menerik were seen as a means of communication of deities and spirits with people, including the spirits of their ancestors. Various mental conditions were often considered punishment by supernatural forces or a sign that the person had been chosen as a shaman. The highly realistic imagery of the other worlds blurred the boundaries between vision and reality, creating the illusion of accessibility. Shamans and people suffering from a mental condition for a long time could heal the sick. Relief of psycho-emotional stress was possible through shamanic practices, healing dance, objects associated with peace and motionlessness.
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How to Cite
For citation:
Sodnompilova M. M. Dushevnye nedugi v traditsionnoi kul’ture tiurko-mongol’skikh narodov Vnutrennei Azii: vospriiatie, prichiny, istselenie [Mental disorders in the traditional culture of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples of Inner Asia: perception, causes, healing]. New Research of Tuva, 2021, no. 3, pp. 249-264. (In Russ.). DOI:
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