History of officials in Tannu-Tuva (in mid 18th – late 19th centuries)


  • Salimaa S. Hovalyg Tuvan State University


khoshun; ambyn-noyon; ugerda; noyon; the state apparatus; official; Tuva; history


Article deals with the history of formation and evolution of officials in Tuvan society of mid 18th – late 19thcenturies. Author investigates machinery of state, hierarchy of ranks and signs on their distinction.


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Popov, V. L. (1910) Uriankhaiskii pogranichnyi vopros. Irkutsk.

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Saf'ianov, I. G. (1915) Proshloe i nastoiashchee soiotskogo naroda // Sibirskii arkhiv. № 1.



How to Cite

Hovalyg, S. S. (2010) “History of officials in Tannu-Tuva (in mid 18th – late 19th centuries)”, The New Research of Tuva, 3. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/508 (Accessed: 27.09.2024).



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Author Biography

Salimaa S. Hovalyg, Tuvan State University

Candidate of History; senior lecturer in history, Deputy Dean of the faculty of retraining and advanced training