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Saaya, Alexander D., Tuvan Institute for Complex Development of Natural Resources, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Saaya, Ayas P., Constitutional Court of Republic of Tuva
Saaya, Chayana E., School № 1 of the village of Mugur-Aksy, Tuva
Saaya, Oyumaa M., Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Socioeconomic Studies
Saaya, Oyumaa M., Tuvan Institute of Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Research under the Government of the Republic of Tuva
Saaya, Syldys Kazarakovna, Tuvan State University
Sabgaida, Tamara P. , Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the RAS; Russian Research Institute of Health of the Ministry of Health of the RF
Sabitov, Jaksylyk M., Eurasian national University named after L. N. Gumilev
Sabyrzhanova, Mereke S. , Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Saitbattalov, Iskander R. , Ufa University of Science and Technology
Saitbattalov, Iskander R., Ufa University of Science and Technology
Saitbattalova, Yuliya A., Ufa University of Science and Technology
Sakharov, Alexey S., Samara University
Salaev, Badma K., Kalmyk State University
Salchak, Aelita Ya., Tuvan State University
Salchak, Aelita Ya., Tuvan State University
Salchak, Lyudmila M., Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tuva
Samba, Anna D.-B., Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS
Samba, Anna D.-B., Institute of Sociology, FCTAS, RAS; Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems and Management of the Republic of Tuva
Samba, Anna D.-B. , Institute of Sociology, Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems and Management of the Republic of Tuva
Samdan, Andrew M., Ubsunur International Center for Biosphere Research, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Samdan, Ayana A., Tuvan Institute for the Humanities
Samdan, Ayana A., Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Socioeconomic Studies
Samdan, Ayana A., Tuvan Institute of Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Research under the Government of the Republic of Tuva
Samdan , Ayana A., Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Socioeconomic Research under the Government of the Republic of Tuva

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