Traditional post-wedding ceremonial vocabulary in Tuvan language




wedding ceremony; wedding; Tuvan language; Tuvans; phraseological unit; collocation; common Turkic; Mongolianism


The article presents an overview of post-wedding ceremonial vocabulary in Tuvan language and in the descriptions of ethnography of these rites. This approach relies on the fact the phraseological meaning of the lexeme or of the phraseological collocation of wedding rites is understood correctly, without distortion. Our study is based on materials from published works, dictionaries, as well as on data obtained during the author's expeditions to the areal zones of the Tuvan language in 1999–2015.

Studying traditional post-wedding ceremonial vocabulary has revealed the following: a) the names and phraseological units of traditional post-wedding rites are mostly Tuvan collocations with common Turkic components (2 lexemes and 6 collocations); b) in the corpus of traditional post-wedding ritual names there are also native Tuvan collocations of common Turkic bases and Mongolian borrowings (4), proving that Tuvans had been living in close contact with the Mongols for a long time; c) a significant part of collocations has been found present in the speech of native speakers of foreign Tuvan dialects — Khovd, Tsengel, Tsagaan-nuur, as well as the Erzin variant of the South-Eastern dialect, Mongun-taiga, Kara-khol and Bai-taiga variants of the Western dialect, as well as the Khondergey variant of the Central dialect; d) only 4 collocations and 1 lexeme are now used commonly; e) the analyzed examples show lexical and phonetic dialect features of the language of native speakers of the South-Eastern, Western, Central and foreign dialects of the Tuvan language; f) meanings of some post-wedding ritual words have been narrowed or expanded over time.


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How to Cite

Для цитирования:
Кара-оол Л. С. Лексика традиционных послесвадебных обрядов в тувинском языке // Новые исследования Тувы. 2020, № 4. С. 169-179. DOI:

For citation:
Kara-ool L. S. Leksika traditsionnykh poslesvadebnykh obriadov v tuvinskom iazyke [Traditional post-wedding ceremonial vocabulary in Tuvan language]. New Research of Tuva, 2020, no. 4, pp. 169-179. (In Russ.). DOI:




Author Biography

Lyubov Salchakovna Kara-ool, Tuvan State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Chair of Theory and Methods of Language Education and Speech Therapy, Tuvan State University.

Postal address: 36 Lenin St., 667000, Kyzyl, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (923) 549-02-64.


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