Comparative studies of age and temporal dynamics of cephalometric characteristics and anthropological photography in modern Tuvan schoolchildren during environmental changes in populations
anthropoecology; child population; cephalometric characteristics; composite portraits; Tuva; TuvansAbstract
The article aims to compare the age and temporal dynamics of cephalometric characteristics in the Tuvan school population in 1978 and 2018-2019. Our main objective was to assess the age and temporal variability of craniometric characteristics in Tuvan populations under contemporary conditions.
Anthropological data was collected from Tuvan children aged 6-17, according to the standard method, in one of the ethnic schools in Kyzyl (414 people) and Toora-Khem (341 Tozhu Tuvans). All those examined were also photographed according to the method of anthropological photography adopted at the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University. The generalized portrait method was applied to the photographs obtained, which simplified the visualization of the sex, age and ethno-territorial variability of the surveyed contingent.
The results obtained showed that the dynamics of changes in the size of the head and face of urban and rural children and adolescents of both genders corresponds to general biological patterns: the relatively low intensity of variability of most indicators demonstrates an increase throughout the age series (except for the cephalic index). Comparison of these data with earlier ones (1978) allows us to conclude that there are no significant intergenerational differences. This is the reason that the main characteristics of the head and face inherent in the Tuvan ethnic group have been preserved over the decades since the last survey (the longitudinal diameter of the head alone does not make an significant contribution to the transformation of the racial and ethnic appearance of the population). The retention of the classical characteristics of the Central Asian type is also confirmed by the results of generalizations of the photographs, which also indicates a significant homogeneity of the studied Tuvan groups at the present time.
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How to Cite
For citation:
Мaurer A. M., Batsevich V. A., Permiakova E. Yu. and Yasina O. V. Sravnitel'nye issledovaniia vozrastnoi i vremennoi dinamiki kefalometricheskikh priznakov i antropologicheskaia fotografiia u sovremennykh tuvinskikh shkol'nikov pri ekologicheskikh izmeneniiakh v populiatsiiakh [A comparative study of age and temporal dynamics of cephalometric characteristics and anthropological photography in modern Tuvan schoolchildren under environmental changes in populations]. New Research of Tuva, 2020, no. 4, pp. 104-119. (In Russ.). DOI:
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