Contemporary Russian national policy: conceptual and target bases and implementation experience (the case of Tuva)




ethnological turn; national policy; ethosocial process; еthnocultural diversity; regional police; Russia; Tuva


The article discusses three main issues: 1) provides an interpretation of the nature of the ethnological turn in Russia; 2) examines the conceptual basics, fundamental guidelines and problem areas of state national policy in contemporary Russia; 3) summarizes the experience of its implementation in the Republic of Tuva by explicating the guidelines of the national policy of this region contained in official documents, also reviewing their compliance with the actual problems of ethnic and social development of the republic.

The essence of the ethnological turn consists in the transition from the primordialist to the constructivist approach in the interpretation of the ethnic phenomenon and other related phenomena. This is reflected in the change in the basic concept of the study, where ‘ethnos’ is replaced with ‘ethnicity’, which is basically reduced to ethnic identity. The effects of constructivism are reflected in the strategic guidelines and state national policy program, which bears the imprint of serious issues and contradictions of the ethnological turn. As a result, two fundamental problems for the strategy of state national policy, concerning the concepts of the Russian nation and ethnocultural diversity with their emphasis on identity, were limited and insufficiently developed.

The article shows the absence of the proper attention to regional peculiarities of ethnosocial development and ignoring the task of classifying basic regional models of national policy as the weak points of the strategy. The goal of implementing common standards without considering regional diversities formalizes practical work and determines the formation of a centralization model of national policy as its dominant.

How and to what extent are the features of the ethnosocial development and the existing problems of modern Tuva reflected in the current regional national policy, in its targets and current tasks? The author concludes that the content of contemporary programmatic documents on the implementation of national policy in the republic is largely formalized. Textually they correspond less to the ethnosocial development of the region, and more to the general objectives of the strategy, which are largely based on a constructivist concepts. This approach decreases the efficiency of the state regional national policy.


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How to Cite

Попков Ю. В. Современная российская национальная политика: концептуально-целевые основы и опыт реализации (на примере Тувы) // Новые исследования Тувы. 2020, № 3. С. 253–268. DOI:

Popkov Yu. V. Sovremennaia rossiiskaia natsional'naia politika: kontseptual'no-tselevye osnovy i opyt realizatsii (na primere Tuvy) [Contemporary Russian national policy: conceptual and target bases and implementation experience (the case of Tuva)]. New Research of Tuva, 2020, no. 3, pp. 253–268. (In Russ.). DOI:



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biography

Yuri V. Popkov, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Chief Research Fellow, Department of Social and Legal Studies, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Postal address: 8 Nikolaev St., 630090 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (383) 330-22-40.


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