Formation and development of the cinema network in the Tuvan People's Republic




culture-building; film installations; cinema; film repertoire; movie circuit; history of the cinema; Tuva; history of Tuva; Tuvan People’s Republic; Tuvans; Great Patriotic war


This article examines the history of the cinema network in the Tuvan People's Republic, including the years of the Great Patriotic War. The article is based on the analysis of printed materials and archival sources, with some of the latter never been studied before. Another important source are eyewitnesses’ memories.

The earliest stationary cinema installation appeared in Tuva in 1925, at the Soviet citizens’ club. The documentaries run there were supplied by the USSR. In 1930, TuvGosKino (Tuvan Cinematographic Office) was set up, the plan of cinema development was drawn up, and a number of organizational issues resolved, such as the Office’s equipment, budget, supply lines, film quality and Tuvan translation. The first cinema was opened in Kyzyl in 1931, and two mobile installations went operational the same year. A whole network of installations had been in place by mid–1930s, with material basis a lot improved. At the celebration of TPR’s 15th anniversary in 1936, the Soviet delegation presented new equipment. Soviet camera crews made a number of films on Tuva. Between 1932 and 1937, the number of mobile cinema installations in Tuva increased twofold. With the spread of cinema across the republic, the problem of cadres got increasingly urgent.

During the war years, cinema had to deal with war-related issues. The whole cinema network experienced a drastic change, just as it happened to the repertoire selection and film distribution. The wartime repertoire was a crucial factor in the patriotic education. After the war, Tuva’s cinema network joined its larger counterpart of the USSR and continued as part of the single Soviet film distribution system.


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How to Cite

Мунге Б. В., Монгуш А. М. Становление и развитие кинофикации в Тувинской Народной Республике // Новые исследования Тувы. 2020, № 3. С. 81–100. DOI:

For citation:
Munge B. V. and Mongush A. M. Stanovlenie i razvitie kinofikatsii v Tuvinskoi Narodnoi Respublike [Formation and development of the cinema network in the Tuvan People's Republic]. New Research of Tuva, 2020, no. 3, pp. 81–100. (In Russ.). DOI:



Pages of History

Author Biographies

Belekmaa V. Munge, National Archives of the Republic of Tuva

Director, the National Archives of the Republic of Tuva.

Postal address: 91 Kechil-ool St., 667010 Kyzyl, Russian Federation.

Tel. +7 (394-22) 5-63-15.


Arana M. Mongush, N. F. Katanov Khakassia State University, Tuvan Research Center

Master's student, N.F. Katanov Khakassia State University; Methodologist, Department of research support of regional education, Tuva research center.

Postal address: 13 Vokzalnaya St., 667003 Kyzyl, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (962) 064-4065.
