New archival data on the history of school construction in Tuva at the beginning of the twentieth century




State Archives of the Republic of Tuva; National Archives of the Republic of Tuva; archival documents; Uriankhai Territory; Russian settlers; Resettlement Agency; Tuva; History of Tuva; history of education


The article is a source study of a number of administrative documents on the history of school construction. The documents are preserved in the collection of the Office of Director of Russian Settlement in the Uriankhai Territory for the years 1907-1921. They illustrate the rise of schools in what came to be the Republic of Tuva – the rise which gave a powerful impetus to the further development of education in the People’s Republic of Tuva. 914 archival units of documentation are comprised into four units of opis’ (1-3 and 5) within Fond 123 at the National Archives (prior to 07.04.2020 known as the State Archives) of the Republic of Tuva.

All in all, the documents belong to the category of administrative documentation. They are relatively well-preserved, with the largest part handwritten, and a small section typewritten. In their volume and number of archival units, the opis’ materials are quite variegated: they include presentations, correspondence, newspaper clippings, memos, registers, employee files, plans, reports and cost sheets. The file “On appointing teachers to work at the settlements of the Uriankhai Territory” is of special interest for researchers.

Almost every aspect of the Resettlement Agency’s work concerning school construction can be seen in 29 documents from Opis’ 3 and 5, which include meeting proceedings, protocols, presentations, nomination documents, cash advanced reports, etc.

Shedding light on a little-known set of unpublished historical sources will allow us to expand the horizon of studies in the history of education in Tuva.


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How to Cite

Монгуш В. Ч. Новые архивные данные по истории школьного строительства в Туве начала ХХ века // Новые исследования Тувы. 2020, № 2. С. 187-200. DOI:

Mongush V. Ch. New archival data on the history of school construction in Tuva at the beginning of the twentieth century. The New Research of Tuva, 2020; 2: 187-200. DOI:



Pages of History

Author Biography

Viktoria Ch. Mongush, Tuvan State University


Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Department of General history, Archaeology and Document Studies, Faculty of History, Tuvan State University.

Postal address: 5 Lenin St., Kyzyl, 667000,Russia.

Tel.: +7 (923) 268-36-08.
