Newspaper collections at the National Archives of the Republic of Tuva




newspaper collection; State Archives of the Republic of Tuva; National Archives of the Republic of Tuva; Tuva; mass media; newspapers


For the first time, the article analyzes the newspaper collections at the National Archives (prior to 07.04.2020 known as the State Archives) of the Republic of Tuva, its composition, features and degree of preservation. Preserved there are 627 sets of newspapers published between 1929 and 2013. All of these are local newspapers or those delivered by subscription from Buryatia and Mongolia. Tuvan newspapers come in three categories – those published under the Tuvan People’s Republic, under the Soviet Union or in contemporary Tuva.

The biggest focus in the article is made, naturally, on the first group. Collected in 48 binders, these sets are of greatest value, and include such newspapers as The Red Plowman, Tuvinskaya Pravda, Şьn (Pravda), Tьʙa Arattьꞑ Şьnь (Pravda of the Tuvan Arat), Xostuƣ Arat (“Free Arat”) and other periodicals that were published in the republic from 1924 to 1944. They appeared in Russian, Mongolian and Tuvan and were printed in fonts of different alphabets: Old Mongolian, New Turkic Latinized and Russian. The collection also offers catalogized metadata, including their publishing bodies, language(s) and years of publication. However, some of the issues are missing. The article analyzes the content of these newspapers, focusing on preferred topics, dates and typical cases.

There has been a growth in interest in the history of Tuvan newspapers as seen from the number of orders in the archive’s reading room. The article also looks at the statistics of readers’ use of the collection.

Unresolved issues include worsening of the newspapers’ physical condition, lower readability, and mechanical damage to the pages. The archives’ employees bind newspapers together in sets to protect them from wear and improve storage conditions. A program to digitize the collection is under development, and the collection itself is being catalogized.


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How to Cite

Maadyr M. S. and Sedip-ool M. M. Newspaper collections at the National Archives of the Republic of Tuva. The New Research of Tuva, 2020; 2: 87-102. DOI:

Maadyr M. S. and Sedip-ool M. M. Newspaper collections at the National Archives of the Republic of Tuva. The New Research of Tuva, 2020; 2: 87-102. DOI:



Pages of History

Author Biographies

Maya S. Maadyr, Tuvan State University

Candidate of History, Senior Lecturer, Department of General History, Archaeology and Document Studies, Faculty of History, Tuvan State University.

Postal address: 5 Lenin St., 667000 Kyzyl, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (983) 365-86-25.


Marionella M. Sedip-ool, National Archives of the Republic of Tuva

Head, Department of Management and Preservation of Archival Documents, National Archives of the Republic of Tuva.

Postal address: 91 Kechil-ool St., 667003 Kyzyl, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (394-22) 5-64-39.
