The spatial image of Tuva in the focus of sociocultural phenomenology




sociocultural phenomenology; spatial development; space; spatial turn; sociocultural identity; ethnic culture; Tuva; non-contact culture; local culture; medial culture; limitrophe states


The article examines possible identifications of ‘spatial development’ as a discipline, offering its interpretation and explaining its heuristic potentional by analyzing the spatial image of Tuva. It also offers a philosophy of spatial development, which is interpreted as the development of the object, including its qualitative transformation (via either complication or simplification) of its internal and external space.

Analyzing Tuva from the point of view of its spatial status allows us to define it as an integral unit with its own internal structure and identity. It can be defined as a sociocultural subject, i.e. an individuated  unity of the territory, population and its sociocultural character.

According to the criterion of contact/non-contact spatial culture, Tuva can be seen as a ‘non-contact’ culture. Its shift towards greater contactness is due to a number of reasons, including demographic growth, transport and industry-related land development, transition to a sedentary lifestyle, urbanization, and the expansion of interregional and international relations. According to the criterion of local/mainstream culture, Tuva is a local culture. It has been maintaining its cultural authenticity and focusing on cooperation with all neighboring cultures (such as Russian, Mongolian and Chinese). The interaction with these cultures did not lead to the spread of the Tuvans over vast territories. This is the sign that Tuvan culture is of a median type, which is focused on itself. The border position of Tuva between Russia and China gives reason to define it as a kind of frontier territory, or a limitrophe.


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How to Cite

Попков Ю. В., Тюгашев Е. А. Пространственный образ Тувы в объективе социокультурной феноменологии [Электронный ресурс] // Новые исследования Тувы. 2019, № 3. URL: (дата обращения: дд.мм.гг.). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.3.1

Popkov Yu. V. and Tyugashev E. A. The spatial image of Tuva in the focus of sociocultural phenomenology. The New Research of Tuva. 2019, no. 3. URL: (access date ... ). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.3.1



Ethnicity and society

Author Biographies

Yuri V. Popkov, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian branch, Russian Academy of Sciences; Novosibirsk State Technical University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor; Chief Researcher, Department of Social and Legal Studies, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor, Department of international relations and regional studies, Novosibirsk State Technical University.

Postal address: 8 Nikolaev St., 630090 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (383) 330-22-40.


Evgenii A. Tyugashev, Novosibirsk National Research State University

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate professor, Department of Theory and History of Law, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Novosibirsk National Research State University.

Postal address: 1 Pirogov St., 630090 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (383) 269-42-54.


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