The cradle collection at the National Museum of Tuva as Tuvan ethnocultural heritage




National Museum of the Republic of Tuva; Tuvans; childhood; ethnography of childhood; cradle; museum collection


The article looks at preservation and popularization of the kavai, a Tuvan cradle. This popular element of everyday culture of Tuvans has been studied through the cradle collection at the National Museum of the Republic of Tuva, which includes 33 objects, as well as archival photos and museum documents.

The cradles entered the collection in numerous ways - some were selected and acquired during the expeditions organized by museum staff, some came as gifts from private individuals or exhibitions. The acquisition peaked in the 1950s and 1960s, when Tuvans experienced mass transition from nomadic to settled style of living. Having been started in 1954, the collection has seen its last acquisition so far in 2015. The article presents consolidated information on the history of each object in the collection, including its brief annotation, description, acquisition data, creator’s name, etc. As of today, full metadata is available for only 14 cradles.

When featured on an exposition, cradles are often part of a reconstruction of  a traditional dwelling with full interior decoration. The kavai, used in this comprehensive context, has become an important element of the museum’s cultural work, including that with children and the youth.


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How to Cite

Дыртык-оол М. О., Дыртык-оол А. О. Коллекция колыбелей Национального музея Тувы как этнокультурное наследие тувинцев [Электронный ресурс] // Новые исследования Тувы. 2019, № 2. URL: (дата обращения: дд.мм.гг.). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.2.8

Dyrtyk-ool M. O. and Dyrtyk-ool A. O. The cradle collection at the National Museum of Tuva as Tuvan ethnocultural heritage. The New research of Tuva. 2019, № 2. URL: (access date ...). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.2.8



Aspects of Culture

Author Biographies

Maya O. Dyrtyk-ool, Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tuva

Senior Research Fellow, Department of History, Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tuva.

Postal address: 30 Titov St., 667000 Kyzyl, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (394-22) 3-06-56.


Anna O. Dyrtyk-ool, Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tuva

Candidate of History, Associate Professor and Head, Department of History, Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tuva.

Postal address: 30 Titov St., 667000 Kyzyl, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (394-22) 3-06-56.
