The influence of Russian traditions on the formation of Khakass farm housing in Khakass-Minusinsk region in 19th - 20th centuries


  • Valentina N. Tuguzhekova Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History
  • Evgenii V. Prischepa Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History



Khakass-Minusinsk region; Khakassia; farm housing; Khakass; Russians; traditional housing


The article deals with the problems of the development of farm housing among the indigenous inhabitants of Khakass-Minusinsk region in the 19th and 20th centuries. As a result of the development and settlement of the region, the cultural and economic relationships of the Khakass people with the Russians meant establishing contacts between different cultural traditions. This triggered the process of cultural interaction, an important place wherein belonged to the development and evolution of the main types of farm housing.

It began with the transformation of traditional settlements and with the appearance of the mixed forms of farm housing where ethnically significant features underwent radical erosion, preserving only some of the traditional elements. Progressively, the Russian-type farm buildings became widespread throughout the region. As a result, the early 20th century witnessed a formation of Khakass farmhouse, which featured both winter and summer outbuildings and houses (a practice borrowed from Russians), thus enabling indigenous farmers to  live on the farm permanently. In the second half of the 20th century, the design of the Khakass farm housing modeled on the Russian tradition becomes typical, with its street orientation, and the complex of living quarters and outbuildings of  agricultural and cattle-breeding use.


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How to Cite

Тугужекова В. Н., Прищепа Е. В. Влияние русских традиций на формирование усадебно-жилищного комплекса хакасов в Хакасско-Минусинском крае в XIX-XX вв. [Электронный ресурс] // Новые исследования Тувы. 2019, № 1. URL: (дата обращения: дд.мм.гг.). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.1.12

Tuguzhekova V. N., Prischepa E. V. The influence of Russian traditions on the formation of Khakass farm housing in Khakass-Minusinsk region in 19th - 20th centuries. The New Research of Tuva, 2019, no. 1 [on-line] Available at: (accessed: ...). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.1.12



Pages of History

Author Biographies

Valentina N. Tuguzhekova, Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History

Doctor of History, Director, Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History.

Postal address: 23 Shchetinkin St., Abakan, 655017 Russia.

Tel.: +7 (3902) 22-37-58. 



Evgenii V. Prischepa, Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History

Candidate of History, Senior research fellow, Department of economics and sociology, Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History.

Postal address: 23 Shchetinkin St., Abakan, 655017 Russia.

Tel.: +7 (3902) 22-37-58.
