Russian-Uriankhai court at the time of Russian protectorate over Tuva


  • Vera M. Damdynchap Tuvan State University



Uriankhai region; Tuva; Tuvan history; history of law; customary law; protectorate; court; land disputes; system of punishment; Resettlement department


The article analyzes the problems of legal regulation of social relations between Tuvans and Russians in Tuva under the protectorate of the Russian Empire, and of resettlement of Russian peasants to the region in 1914–1917. For our sources, we have used unpublished materials from the State Archives of the Republic of Tyva, the Research Archives of the Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Socio-Economic Studies, as well as some other collections.

The regime of the protectorate assumed Tuva’s dependence on Russia in foreign affairs, while allowing it to maintain internal autonomy. Administrative control was in the hands of the Irkutsk Governor-General, but the system of administration itself had not change, and neither did the position of the noyons, their powers and the effect of customary law. Russian immigrants claimed plots of land in accordance with private agreements with officials or wealthy Tuvans, and since 1912, the Resettlement department had also been involved. However, the uncertainty of the legal status of migrants complicated their position in Tuva.

The article provides examples of numerous peasants’ complaints about their land disputes with Tuvans. Grievous crimes perpetrated by a member of one ethnic community against that of the other, or within the Tuvan community, were reviewed by the Russian Volost’ Court, and those less severe, by the Uriankhai court. In 1915 a mixed Russian-Uriankhai court was set up, composed of elected representatives of the Russian community and local authorities. The newly-established mixed court failed to fully resolve land disputes, but had a positive impact on the Russian-Tuvan relations.


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How to Cite

Дамдынчап В. М. Русско-урянхайский суд в период протектората [Электронный ресурс] // Новые исследования Тувы. 2019, № 1. URL: (дата обращения: дд.мм.гг.). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.1.10

Damdynchap V. M. Russian-Uriankhai court at the time of Russian protectorate over Tuva. The New Research of Tuva, 2019, no. 1 [on-line] Available at: (accessed: ...). DOI: 10.25178/nit.2019.1.10



Pages of History

Author Biography

Vera M. Damdynchap, Tuvan State University

Candidate of History, Associate Professor and Head, Department of General History, Archaeology and Document Studies, Tuvan State University.

Postal address: 36 Lenin St., Kyzyl, 667000 Russia.

Tel.: +7 (394-22) 3-00-92.
