Toponyms with the Stem баш/бас in Tuvan and Yakut languages: a lingvoculturological interpretation


  • Egor R. Nikolaev Independent author



Yakut language; Tuvan language; toponyms; toponymy; cultural linguistics; cultural code; somatic code; space code; Tuva; Yakutia


Studying Turkic geographical names is a way to reveal their common and characteristic features in linguistics, culture, and history. A common denominator might be a simple concurrence of the semantics of stems (apellatives) in toponyms. To substantiate this identity, it is necessary to invoke linguistic and cultural components for further illustration, such as cultural codes.

This article is an attempt to draw a lexical parallel between the appellatives ‘баш/бас’ (head) in Tuvan and Yakut toponyms. Our analysis of the toponyms proceeds from lexicographic material. Their semantics may reveal motivation of toponym formation in the two languages.

We have found that toponyms with the appellative stem баш/бас are represented in both languages quite equally. The stem баш/бас is mostly used to denote a protruding lay of land (mountains), or a source (head) of a body of water. Motivation is determined by simple visualization of a natural object protruding in the visible space. Also, toponyms reveal religious views comparable to cultural codes: somatic (relating to the body), space-related, etc.

These outcomes motivate further study of toponyms in Turkic languages of Siberia, including Tuvan and Yakut.


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How to Cite

Nikolaev, E. R. (2018) “Toponyms with the Stem баш/бас in Tuvan and Yakut languages: a lingvoculturological interpretation”, The New Research of Tuva, 3. doi:




Author Biography

Egor R. Nikolaev, Independent author

Independent researcher; Editor-in-chief, children's and youth magazine "Khatan" ("Tempered").

Postal address: Office 709, Block B, 18 Kirov St., 677014 Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Tel.: +7 (4112) 42-21-08, + 7 (914) 280-70-59.
