Lexical features of microtoponyms of Ovyur rayon of Tuva


  • Lyubov S. Kara-ool Tuvan State University




toponym; toponymy; Tuva; Ovyur rayon; Tuvan language; loanwords; Mongolian; mongolism


The article investigates the lexical features of the toponyms (more specifically, settlement names) of the Ouyur rayon of Tuva. Toponyms are combined into lexico-semantic groups; for each toponym we specify the geographic object it refers to, and the lexical origin of its name. It is also indicated which clans and tribal groups of Tuvans lived or live in the area in question. The sources of the research were the field materials collected by the author during comprehensive expeditions in 2015 and 2017. Some examples are also drawn from “A Toponymical Dictionary of Tuva" by B. Ondar.

On the basis of our study, we have been able to identify the following groups of Ovyur toponyms: those associated with the flora (Ak-Chiraa, Artyshtyg-Khem, Adyr-Tal, etc.); with some distinctive features of the sites (Saryg-Khul, Saryg-Khaya, Kara-Durgen, Chaa-Suur, etc.); with the natural features of the area in general (Adyrgan, Dumchuk uzhu, etc.); with the fauna of the region (Torgalyg, Haidagayty, etc.); with ethnonyms (Kalga-Keii, Moldug-Khem, etc.); with mineral resources (Dus-Dag); and finally, those related to the events in the life of the Ovyurians (Kara-Turug, Solchur).

The toponymic originality of the rayon lies in the fact that there have been a number of trends in appropriating geographical names – trends which refer to differing elements of nomadic and sedentary lifestyles. The names of villages and cattle breeders’ campsites are associated with the names of rivers, mountains and other geographical objects. In structural and etymological relations, a significant part of the Ovyur toponyms are actually Tuvan compound words, the components whereof are expressed by common Turkic, Turkic-Mongolian or Mongolian-Turkic, and Mongolian-Chinese words.


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How to Cite

Kara-ool, L. S. (2018) “Lexical features of microtoponyms of Ovyur rayon of Tuva”, The New Research of Tuva, 3. doi: https://www.doi.org/10.25178/nit.2018.3.11.




Author Biography

Lyubov S. Kara-ool, Tuvan State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Language Education and Speech Therapy, Tuvan State University.

Postal address: 36 Lenin Str., 667000 Kyzyl, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (394-22) 2-19-69.

E-mail: lkaraool61@mail.ru