Mental and ethno-psychological features of Tuvans within the system of development determinants of the Republic of Tuva: the case of ethno-tourism
sociocultural determinants; sociocultural development; economic development; region; Tuva; ethno-tourism; ethnic culture; mentality; Tuvans; economic cultureAbstract
Ethno-tourism is now often seen as an economic and sociocultural determinant of regional development in the Republic of Tuva. This is now understood by the regional authorities, embodied in a certain amount of legislation and implemented through a number of action plans. However, the work of the authorities relies largely on economic resources available. In this article, the author chose to focus on Tuvan mental and ethno-psychological features which can either facilitate or impede the progress of tourism in the region.
Among these significant features of Tuvan ethnic character are the small degree of mental openness to outside influence, the high importance of family affinities and of belonging to kinship groups, the collectivist way of thinking, national pride and love of the homeland, low acquisitive demands (especially concerning money), a certain inertia of behavior, the presence of specific ‘Tuvan time’, bilingualism and the negative image of Tuvans in mass media – an image which does not match the self-image of Tuvans.
Having analyzed festivals and ethnic celebrations in Tuva which can be classified as resources of event tourism, the author focused on one of the most implication-rich aspects of developing ethno-tourism in the region. It concerns the value-based and ethical transformation of the ethnic self-consciousness which found their expression in desacralization and commercialization of traditional culture. Ethno-tourism appears to be the most “eloquent” practice in the rise of this ersatz culture, where traditional cuisine is simplified, cheaper cloth and machine embroidery is used, the traditional designs, such as that of the yurta, appear in commercial projects, e.g. of holiday camps.
The author concludes that, on the one hand, increasing popularity of ethno-tourism in Tuva can propel the industry to becoming an important economic determinant of regional development. More positive influences can be expected in potential transformation of the Tuvan mentality, in enhanced social and cultural links between Tuva and other regions of Russia, in the open-borders policy which calls for cultural exchange and mutual cultural enrichment between peoples and nations. On the other hand, ethno-psychological features of Tuvans must be accounted for when planning the region’s economic and ethnic policies.
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