Place names of the Alash-Khemchik interfluve: a list


  • Lina K. Hertek Independent author



Tuva; toponym; Alash; Alash-Khemchik; Bai-Taiga kozhuun; Tuvan language; list


This article examines the toponymy of the Alash-Khemchik interfluve in Bai-Taiga kozhuun of Tuva. Our study included gathering the materials, classification, etymological research, determining the motivation of geographical place names and, finally, compilation of the list. The study of the toponymical materials is based on the data of Tuvan geological exploration 1962-1964, topographic maps of the area, some data gained from the informants interviewed in 2000-2001, and finally, on the information found in scholarly publications.

There have been a number of toponymical studies of Tuva done by different authors. However, some regions, including Bai-Taiga and the Alash-Khemchik interfluve, have so far been definitely understudied. The toponymy of this region is unique and rich, with its own variations. The author divided these toponyms into several groups: terms related to colours, places, plant names, land relief, numerals; those reflecting size of an object, or a specific event; those connected with sacred names, explaining the taste of water, the height of mountains; and related to ethnonyms. The majority of the toponyms refer to special geological formation or structures - for instance, Saryg-Haya (“the yellow mountain”), Kara-Dash (“the black rock”), Ak-Dovurak (“the white earth”) etc.

Some of the abovementioned place names have been analyzed here in the interpretations provided by local residents. The gathered material is in the form of list of the geographical names of the area, which is a good starting point for further research. The list includes more than 36 names, known by the most part of the locals. The list is accompanied with an index of accepted abbreviations and explanations of toponymical terms found in the dictionary. There also is a problem of linguistic corruption of place names and inaccuracies in Russian translation in maps.


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How to Cite

Hertek, L. K. (2018) “Place names of the Alash-Khemchik interfluve: a list”, The New Research of Tuva, 3. doi:




Author Biography

Lina K. Hertek, Independent author

Independent Researcher; Head of Sales, Tuvan Office, Federal Agency of Postal Service (branch office of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Pochta Rossii.

Postal address: 156a, Druzhby St., 667000 Kyzyl, Republic of Tuva, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (913) 341-11-11.
