The Khoshuts of Kalmykia and Mongolia: a historical and ethnographical overview


  • Elza P. Bakaeva Kalmyk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences



Khoshuts; Mongol-speaking peoples; Kalmykia; Kalmyks; Mongolia; Torguts; sub-ethnic group


The article offers a comparative analysis of the history of Khoshuts in Kalmykia and Mongolia. Being a part of the Oirat union in Western Mongolia since the 15th century, the Khoshuts are nevertheless East Mongolian in their ancestry. They currently live in Mongolia, Russian and China. In Mongolia, they are considered a sub-group of the Torguts, but preserve the memory of their distinct ethnic identity. In Russia, Khoshuts live mostly in Kalmykia and are considered a sub-group of the latter. In China, the Khoshut population is concentrated in Inner Mongolia.

In the 15-17th centuries, Khoshuts were one of the most powerful ethnopolitical entities within the Oirat union. Their ancestry stems back to East Mongolian ethnic groups: the Khoshut noyons were direct descendants of Habutu Hasar, Genghis Khan’s brother. Etymologically, the word ‘Khoshut’ means ‘spike’, ‘wedge’ or ‘wedge-shaped battle formation’. In the mid-16th century, Khoshuts played an important role in the revival of the Derben-Oirat union. In the 17th century, the majority of Khoshuts led by Güshi Khan settled in the vicinity of Kokonur, where they founded an independent khanate. A minority of Khoshuts moved on to Russia and joined the Kalmyk ethnicity as a sub-group.

Khoshuts have had a fascinating history and preserve the memory of their distinct identity. Khoshuts in Kalmykia and in Bulgan somon of Khovd aimag are linked to different entities within the Khoshut ethnopolitical union of the 17th century. At the same time, Khoshuts in both countries remember their specific genealogies: the Bulgan Khoshuts, dating back to the Ovog Hairtynhan (Bordzhigin), and the Kalmyk Khoshuts, to the Zyyasngud tribe and their common ancestors.

Our study is based on literary sources, publications of Mongol scholars and local historians, and on the field observations by the author.


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How to Cite

Bakaeva, E. P. (2017) “The Khoshuts of Kalmykia and Mongolia: a historical and ethnographical overview”, The New Research of Tuva, 1. doi:



Ethnicity and society

Author Biography

Elza P. Bakaeva, Kalmyk Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of History, Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Kalmyk Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Postal address: 8 I.K. Ilishkin St., 358000 Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (84722) 3-55-15.
