The son of own time


  • Mongush S. Bayr-ool Tuvan Institute for the Humanities


Tuva; history; politics; biography; S. K. Toka; repression; history of Tuva; Tuvan people's Republic


Known and unknown pages of the biography of Salchak Kalbak-Khorekovich Toka - the head of Tuva of a Soviet period are represented.


Aranchyn Iu. L. Istoricheskii put' tuvinskogo naroda k sotsializmu. Novosibirsk. 1982.

Baiyr-ool M. S. Salchak Tokanyң tөөgүlүg namdary // «Shyn». № 9-13 i 40-44 za 2005 g.

Bol'shoi entsiklopedicheskii slovar'. SPb. 1999.

Zaitsev A. I reshili Toku pokrestit' // Efir (gazeta). № 25, 2001.

Istoriia Tuvy. Tom II. M. 1964.

Moskalenko N.P. Etnopoliticheskaia istoriia Tuvy v KhKh veke. M. 2004.

Narodnaia letopis'. Kyzyl, 2001.

Ocherki istorii Tuvinskoi organizatsii KPSS. Kyzyl, 1975.

Serdobov N. A. Komintern i revoliutsionnaia Tuva. Kyzyl. 1985.

Toka S. K. Meeң saktyyshkynym (Moi vospominaniia). Kyzyl, 1941.

Toka S. K. Slovo arata. M., 1973.

Ulug ulus kөөr үzhүk (Bukvar' dlia vzroslykh). Kyzyl. 1940.

Ch.Udumbara, general-maior, byvshii nachal'nik upravleniia federal'noi sluzhby bezopasnosti po RT // «Tuvinskaia pravda» ot 27 maia 1995 g.

Shoigu K.S. Pero chernogo grifa. Kyzyl. 2001.



How to Cite

Bayr-ool, M. S. (2009) “The son of own time”, The New Research of Tuva, 1-2. Available at: (Accessed: 19.05.2024).



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biography

Mongush S. Bayr-ool, Tuvan Institute for the Humanities

Candidate of Philosophy, senior researcher, Department of sociology