Tengriism in context of monotheism


  • Auezkhan A. Kodar Kazrestoration, Committee for Culture, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Tengriism; religion; monotheism; nomads


Two levels of tengriism (ancient religion of nomads of the Asian continent) - imperial and national - are analyzed in the article. At the imperial level tengriism had monotheistic character.


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How to Cite

Kodar, A. A. (2009) “Tengriism in context of monotheism”, The New Research of Tuva, 1-2. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/665 (Accessed: 22.07.2024).



Nomads of the Asian continent

Author Biography

Auezkhan A. Kodar, Kazrestoration, Committee for Culture, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Candidate of Sociology, Resercher