The thesaurus approach in modern humanitarian knowledge


  • Nikolay V. Zakharov Moscow University for the Humanities


thesaurus; the thesaurus approach; Humanities; subject; subjective knowledge; imagery; literary studies; cultural studies


Within the limits of literary criticism and theatre history the thesaurus approach has taken shape only recently. It is intensively developing and has gained a special ground in cultural studies where in frameworks of the thesaurus conception it is possible to speak about beginnings of subjective culturology - thesaurology. In more common humanitarian sense, thesaurus is a structured representation and a general image of a part of the world culture that a subject can assimilate.


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How to Cite

Zakharov, N. V. (2009) “The thesaurus approach in modern humanitarian knowledge”, The New Research of Tuva, 1-2. Available at: (Accessed: 22.07.2024).



New world – new approaches

Author Biography

Nikolay V. Zakharov, Moscow University for the Humanities

PhD, Director of the Center for theory and history of world culture, Institute of fundamental and applied studies at Moscow University for the Humanities