Valentina Suzukey: How to fight Europocentrism in center of Asia


  • Chimiza K. Lamazhaa Moscow University for the Humanities


Interviews; V. Yu. Suzukey; opinion; ethnomusicology; Tuvan music; Central Asia; methodological approach; problems of methodology


Valentina Suzukey - one of the leading scientists of Tuva, the expert in Tuvan ethnical music and musical instruments. As well as many creative uncommon people, she is a multi-sided personality and can be characterized from many sides.

Researching Tuvan national music for many years, she just now realizes that she came near to the solution of its secret. To tell about this discovery, we deliberately started our conversation with formation of our interlocutor as a researcher.



How to Cite

Lamazhaa, C. K. (2009) “Valentina Suzukey: How to fight Europocentrism in center of Asia”, The New Research of Tuva, 1-2. Available at: (Accessed: 27.09.2024).



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biography

Chimiza K. Lamazhaa, Moscow University for the Humanities

Candidate of Philosophy, Editor-in-Chied, New Research of Tuva journal