New tendencies in understanding of the modernisation


  • Valentina G. Fedotova Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences


Modernisation; westernisation; globalisation; development models; variety; national model; adaptation; culture


A new representations of the problem of modernisation of the countries is considered in the article. While the classical theory of modernisation considers the West as the only sample of modernisation for countries, the new concept of set of modernisations considers distinctions in modernisation of different countries natural and denies the uniform sample. The most optimal variant of national model of modernisation is the one when the state addresses the needs of national development, the goals of social development on the basis of existing level of a westernisation - development on the western samples.


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How to Cite

Fedotova, V. G. (2009) “New tendencies in understanding of the modernisation”, The New Research of Tuva, 1-2. Available at: (Accessed: 22.07.2024).



Multifaceted modernization

Author Biography

Valentina G. Fedotova, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, head of the sector social philosophy