80th anniversary of a famous Russian and Bashkir linguist-turkologist and public figure Zinnur Uraksin


  • Mukhammet V. Murzabulatov M. Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University


Z.G.Uraksin; turkology; Kypchak studies; phraseology; lexicology; lexicography; biography; anniversary


The article is devoted to the 80th anniversary of a famous Russian and Bashkir linguist-turkologist and the public figure Uraksin Zinnur Gazizovich who made a big contribution to the theory and practice of Turkic phraseology, lexicology and lexicography. The main stages of life of the scientist are specified, his most known works are noted.


Grammatika sovremennogo bashkirskogo literaturnogo iazyka (1981)/ otv. red. A. A. Iuldashev. M. : Nauka. 495 s.

Ishberdin, E. F. (1996) Uraksin Zinnur Gazizovich // Bashkortostan: Kratkaia entsiklopediia. Ufa: Izd-vo «Bashkirskaia entsiklopediia».

Sirazitdinov, Z. A. (2015) Zinnur Gazizovich Uraksin — krupnyi uchenyi, organizator nauki, obshchestvennyi deiatel' // Rossiia i Vostok: vzaimodeistvie stran i narodov. Trudy X Vserossiiskogo s"ezda vostokovedov (g. Ufa, 7-10 oktiabria 2015 g.). Kn. 2. Ufa: IIIaL UNTs RAN. S. 213–219.

Sovremennyi bashkirskii iazyk (1986): uchebnik dlia studentov fakul'teta nachal'nykh klassov pedagogicheskikh institutov / otv. red. Z. G. Uraksin, K. G. Ishbaev. Ufa : Bashk. kn. izd-vo. 400 s. (Na bashk. iaz).

Uraksin, Z. G. (1966a) Slovar' sinonimov bashkirskogo iazyka / pod red. T. M. Garipova. Ufa: Bashk. kn. izd-vo. 272 s. (Na bashk iaz).

Uraksin, Z. G. (1966b) Frazeologicheskie sinonimy v sovremennom bashkirskom literaturnom iazyke: avtoref. diss. … kand. filol. nauk. Ufa. 18 s.

Uraksin, Z. G., Ishberdin E. F., Kutlubaeva G. M., Akhtiamov M. Kh. (1973) Zanimatel'naia grammatika. Ufa: Bashk. kn. izd-vo. 128 s. (Na bashk. iaz.).

Uraksin, Z. G. (1975a) Frazeologiia bashkirskogo iazyka / otv. red. E. R. Tenisheva. M.: Nauka. 192 s.

Uraksin, Z. G. (1975b) Frazeologiia bashkirskogo iazyka: avtoref. diss. … d-ra filol. nauk. Ufa. 53 s.

Uraksin, Z.G., Ishberdin, E.F., Kutlubaeva, G.M., Akhtiamov, M.Kh. (1979) Zanimatel'naia grammatika. Izd. 2-oe, dop. Ufa: Bashk. kn. izd-vo. 150 s. (Na bashk. iaz.).

Uraksin, Z. G. (1985) Slovar' sinonimov bashkirskogo iazyka / pod red. T.M.Garipova. Ufa: Bashk. kn. izd-vo. 164 s. (Na bashk iaz).

Uraksin, Z.G., Ishberdin, E.F., Kutlubaeva, G.M., Akhtiamov M.Kh. (1993) Zanimatel'naia grammatika (dlia uchashchikhsia 9 klassov bashkirskikh shkol). 3-e izd. Ufa: Kitap. 168 s. (Na bashk. iaz.).

Uraksin, Z.G. (1996) Frazeologicheskii slovar' bashkirskogo iazyka. Ufa: Kitap. 289 s. (Na bashk iaz).

Uraksin, Z.G. (2000) Slovar' sinonimov bashkirskogo iazyka / pod red. T.M.Garipova. Dop. 2-izd. Ufa: Kitap. 207 s. (Na bashk. iaz).

Uraksin, Z. G. (2006) Frazeologicheskii slovar' bashkirskogo iazyka. Ufa: Kitap. 344 s. (Na bashk iaz).

Uraksin, Zinnur Gazizovich. Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel' (2005) Ufa: Gilem. 56 s.

Khisamitdinova, F. G. (2012) Chetyrnadtsatyi direktor Instituta istorii, iazyka i literatury UNTs RAN // Zhizn', otdannaia nauke. Vospominaniia o Zinnure Gazizoviche Uraksine. Ufa: Gilem. S. 4-9.

Iudakin, A. P. (2001) Uralo-altaiskoe (tiurko-mongol'skoe) iazykoznanie. Entsiklopediia (Vedushchie iazykovedy mira. 4) / gl. red. K. M. Musaev. M. : Ariadna. 599 s.



How to Cite

Murzabulatov, M. V. (2015) “80th anniversary of a famous Russian and Bashkir linguist-turkologist and public figure Zinnur Uraksin”, The New Research of Tuva, 4. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/64 (Accessed: 27.07.2024).



Contribution to science

Author Biography

Mukhammet V. Murzabulatov, M. Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University

Candidate of History, the associate professor, associate professor of the Bashkir literature and culture department.

Postal address: 450025, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, str. October revolution, 10, building 6.

Tel.: +7 (347) 272-99-40.

E-mail: kafedra-blik@mail.ru