Chinese in Tuva in early 20th century


  • Vladimir G. Dazishen Siberian Federal University


history; Tuvans; Chinese; Tannu-Uryankhay; merchant and money-lender colonization; national liberation movement; revolution of 1911-1912


Article deals with the problem of Chinese presence in Tuva in early 20th century. Capitalist development of China and the "New policty” of the Qin empire had opened Tuva for Chinese (Hanese) colonization. A decade of Chinese merchants and money-lenders activities lead to negative consequences for the Tuvan traditional household and amplification of Tuvan elites’ political dependency from China. It brought to a burst of anti-Chinese sentiments in region.


Rodevich, Vs. (1912) Uriankhaiskii krai i ego obitateli. SPb.

Burdukov, A. (1915) Ot Khangel'tsika do Kosh-Agacha // Trudy Tomskogo Obshchestva Izucheniia Sibiri. T.III. Vyp. I. Tomsk.

Grumm-Grzhimailo, G. E. (1930) Zapadnaia Mongoliia i Uriankhaiskii krai. T.3. Vyp.2. Antropologicheskii i etnograficheskii ocherk etikh stran. Torgovlia i kolonizatorskaia v nikh deiatel'nost' kitaitsev i russkikh. Dopolneniia i popravki. L.

Bulgakov, A. I. (1908) Verkhov'ia Eniseia v Uriankhae i Saianskikh gorakh. // Izvestiia IRGO. T.XLIV. 1908. Vyp.VI. SPb.

Zapiska Irkutskogo general-gubernatora (1913), egermeistera Kniazeva po voprosam upravleniia Usinskim okrugom i prigranichnym Uriankhaiskim kraem. Irkutsk.



How to Cite

Dazishen, V. G. (2011) “Chinese in Tuva in early 20th century”, The New Research of Tuva, 1. Available at: (Accessed: 27.07.2024).



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biography

Vladimir G. Dazishen, Siberian Federal University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Head of the General History Department