Demonic characters in the Kalmyk folklore


  • Tamara G. Basangova Kalmyk Institute for Humanities, Russian Academy of Sciences


mythology; folk prose; Kalmyk tale; Kalmyks


 A so-called "lower” mythology that includes a set of ideas about demons and spirits occupies a special place in the folklore of the Kalmyks. The author analyzes visual code of the characters


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How to Cite

Basangova, T. G. (2011) “Demonic characters in the Kalmyk folklore”, The New Research of Tuva, 2-3. Available at: (Accessed: 19.12.2024).



Nomads of the Asian continent

Author Biography

Tamara G. Basangova, Kalmyk Institute for Humanities, Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Philology, leading researcher