Spiritual culture of Tengrian Civilization of Sayan-altai region in the context of social self-organization


  • Nikolay V. Abaev Tuvan State University
  • Vladimir R. Feldman Tuvan State University


traditional society; spiritual culture; organization; self-organization; mythology; religion; social space; social time


The article discusses the concept of heuristic theory of the social self-organization in the study of problems of formation and development of spiritual culture of the traditional societies of Central Asia. Special attention is paid to religious and mythological ideas of Turkic-Mongol peoples in the social space and time, the role of tradition as a mechanism of the integration and organization of traditional society.


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How to Cite

Abaev, N. V. and Feldman, V. R. (2011) “Spiritual culture of Tengrian Civilization of Sayan-altai region in the context of social self-organization”, The New Research of Tuva, 2-3. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/419 (Accessed: 22.07.2024).



Nomads of the Asian continent

Author Biographies

Nikolay V. Abaev, Tuvan State University

Doctor of History, Professor, Department of philosophy

Vladimir R. Feldman, Tuvan State University

Candidate of political Sciences, Associate Professor