A rise and disgrace of Alexander Chymba


  • Mongush S. Bayr-ool Tuvan Institute for the Humanities


biography; Communist University of toilers of the East; history; politics; Tuvan people's Republic; A. Cymba; front; Soviet period


Article reveals the life path of one of the leader of the Peoples’ Republic of Tuva and Soviet Tuva – Alexander Mangyevich Chymba (1908-1984)


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How to Cite

Bayr-ool, M. S. (2011) “A rise and disgrace of Alexander Chymba”, The New Research of Tuva, 2-3. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/413 (Accessed: 1.09.2024).



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biography

Mongush S. Bayr-ool, Tuvan Institute for the Humanities

Candidate of Philosophy, senior researcher, Department of sociology

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