A great mission of culture


  • Igor A. Zaharenko Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography


A. A. Palmbach; Tuvan language; Tuvan written language; literature; education; S. K. Toka; biography


Article presents the benchmarks of the biography of Aleksandr Adolfovich Palmbakh – a founder of Tuvan written language and literature.


Shchipachev, S. (1967) Imia eto ne dolzhno byt' zabytym // Aleksandr Pal'mbakh — pisatel' i chelovek. Kyzyl.

Podlipskii, A. (1994) Vitebskaia Aleksandrovskaia gimnaziia. Vitebsk.

Khadakhane, M. (1967) Moguchie korni // Aleksandr Pal'mbakh — pisatel' i chelovek. Kyzyl.

Pal'mbakh, T. (1967) Ob ottse // Aleksandr Pal'mbakh — pisatel' i chelovek. Kyzyl.

Pal'mbakh, A. A. (1967) Slovo za budushchim // Aleksandr Pal'mbakh — pisatel' i chelovek. Kyzyl.

Toka, S. (1967) Pervyi znakomyi moskvich // Aleksandr Pal'mbakh — pisatel' i chelovek. Kyzyl.

Skuratov, M. (1967) Syn Tuvy // Aleksandr Pal'mbakh — pisatel' i chelovek. Kyzyl.



How to Cite

Zaharenko, I. A. (2011) “A great mission of culture”, The New Research of Tuva, 2-3. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/411 (Accessed: 19.09.2024).



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biography

Igor A. Zaharenko, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography

Doctor of History, Professor