Sacred territories as a keepers of traditional values of Eurasian nations (on the examples of Ukok plato in Altai and Erdeneburen valley in Western Mongolia)


  • Andrey V. Ivanov Altai State Agrarian University


culture; eurasian nations; sacred aries; historical memory; altains; oirats; Ukok; Erdeneburen


In the article the term "sacred territory” is explicated. Also there made an analysis  concerning functions and specifical features of sacred territories  in the culture of Eurasian nations. It is  shown that this functions are quit the same on the examples of Ukok plato in Altai Pepublic (Russia) and Erdeneburen valley in Chovd aimac (Mongolia). There made a conclusion that it is very important to preserve such territories in the situation of cultural and spiritual crisis of modern civilization.


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How to Cite

Ivanov, A. V. (2011) “Sacred territories as a keepers of traditional values of Eurasian nations (on the examples of Ukok plato in Altai and Erdeneburen valley in Western Mongolia)”, The New Research of Tuva, 4. Available at: (Accessed: 3.07.2024).



Nomads of the Asian continent

Author Biography

Andrey V. Ivanov, Altai State Agrarian University

Doctor of Philosophy, Head of of Department of Philosophy